

Discussion: Some contradictory aspects of life and
Many things in life are contradictory, like what seems right to us in childhood, starts appearing strange when we grow up, and perhaps this is what is called life.

Like, from childhood till adulthood, we girls are told many things and ways.  I feel that in raising children, it is important to tell them all the good and bad things, and sometimes it is very important to tell them the bitter truth of life too.
We all don't know what kind of upbringing we want to give to our children, but many times we ourselves don't know it.

Till a person does not have money, he says that too much money is harmful, one should only have as much as is needed, if someone does not have a son then he says that our daughters are our sons, and if there is a lack of modernity, then he says that we do not need it at all. But if one has money, a son, and modernity also increases, then what we said earlier as a didactic sentiment, becomes its exact opposite. The one who does not have all this, these two types of people start feeling that there is something lacking in his life.

Now this mentality is beyond understanding. All these thoughts and feelings show that we are moving ahead but our mental development (inertia) has not changed, this has been going on in us from generation to generation. The way of thinking has changed a little but the truth remains the same, all these things remind me of some of my childhood days at this age, I also used to remember some women who were elder to me.

Sometimes I used to give them very different types of knowledge, used to make them aware about the rights of women, but when I myself became capable of understanding, then I understood that the revolutionary thinking that happens in childhood changes with age. I saw that those who have very revolutionary feelings are despised a lot, these revolutionary girls who later become women have to struggle a lot many times.

It is often seen that some people have a habit of not supporting the right person even after knowing that the other person is right. This is a mental disorder. Such people never raise their voice for the right thing.

There will be some people around you who just like to surprise others. They feel good when you cry. This is also a type of mental disorder which is a problem.

I think such problems must be there in many places. Work is still to be done on such problems because even then there is a solution to physical problems but this mental disorder of ours is a big problem.

But such people who surprise others do not come in the category of mad because these people do not do any such wrong thing that comes in the notice of everyone. There is one special thing about them, they surprise even the people living with them. Such problems should be discussed and that too openly. Many people around us are struggling with such people, but we do not want to discuss such problems.

According to me, mental disorders can become an obstacle in someone's development. It can put someone into mental depression. This kind of problem should be discussed, there is nothing to be ashamed of because most people are suffering from this problem.

That is why I request everyone to come forward and take care of your mental health as well as the mental health of others and talk about it openly.

© Ankita