

Runner's fatigue FINAL chapter
So what do you say aye one last one run,Just one more to quel that feeling of loniless and unfinished business that I have.Looking down a once never ending tunnel that seemed to stretch for infinity had now come to a grinding fault

The gears slowly calmed the paint started to drew and engine wasn't as capable as it once was-but it could still carry on I thought.Unlike most people I preserved,slayed,conqured the dreams of others ans made them my own in a evertelling story of greats.

Yet all that I have now is one last race,one last run,until that tunnel is finally done and I see through clearly to the other side.A glow of sorts almost washes down upon me.A rejuvenation of life and a fresh perspective of things to come.

Ain't nobody like me when I look back om thing's nor can there be but like a god,we all fall... like christ once said we know not of our greatest mistakes nor our greatest achievements,And mine isn't the untold glory or feverish gold just an amazing child who I got to hold.

In my last ever race I lost came in second,It was unthinkable and surely something I wouldn't see coming like a train in the pitch black of night.It comes and goes before U could even see it coming.Now I pass it om to the next generation as a beacon to become better than what we could ever be

Hope u liked the short stories so far This one was close to me so enjoy this and the last chapter.
© ALEX223