

for the ones that's giving up
I know that you been hurt and I know you been falling into pieces I know its hard to trust and I know its hard to love again but you have to let people in because I believe that people actually will find the one for them because there is a soulmate for everyone just look at me i had my heart broken so many times by fuck boys and when i was about to give up on love you came into my life and you show me what loves really is . listen hunny i know your probably in pain and about to give up on love but listen if you find a man take it slow trust me I know you want to move fast but just know if you do it won't last so dear just take it one day at a time. You want to make sure he is the one and you want to make sure he doesn't hurt you if he says i wanna know what song you go to when you are breaking down. Or I wanna know what's going on in your head because I know at night that's when those deep thoughts come or makes you breakfast in bed and if he is there holding u in his arms while you cry and will tell you everything will be ok thats the man you want in your life don't let him go because he's a keeper. I know your afraid to show your feelings. I know your afraid to be hurt again. I know your afraid that your heart will break again but just know what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You Just have to take the chance if you feel like she or he makes you feel like nobody else made u feel and she or he put you before anybody else or takes care of you when your sick feeling like crap and she puts her needs beside so she can take care of you. don't let that person go man that's your soulmate right there I found my soulmate you will find yours so my dear don't give up.
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