

The demon kid, pt. 1
My family moved into our new home on the 28th of December. This happened to be my birthday, which made everything from that day on even more sucky. But I digress.

My mom called me over. "Come take a look. I think you might enjoy this room." I looked in. The room was painted a deep purple (my favorite color), with gold stars sporadically dotting the walls. It was largish room, square, and it had dark brown baseboards on all sides. I nodded. "I'll take it!" were my exact words. I started unpacking that night.
I woke up at around one in the morning to see a boy in my closet. He was about my age, thirteen, and looked mostly normal. Dirty blond hair, freckles, and a smug grin were all I could make out, with the exception of his eyes. His dark, red eyes that literally glowed in the dark. I glared at him, and used some words mom would've slapped me for. He looked startled to be seen, and vanished. I fell into an uneasy sleep.
I'm a reader of all things horror and magic. So my hopes were, I'll admit, kind of high as I asked mom if anything bad happened in this house. She looked at me. "That's what I forgot to do, " she said snapping her fingers in disappointment with herself. "There was a family that lived here, but they went missing a long time ago. There was a legend of a demon that lived here too." I thanked her and went to my room. The boy was going through my stuff. "What the frick do you think you're doing?!" I asked him, careful to keep my voice low so I wouldn't wake up my sister. He jumped five feet in the air, then looked at me, startled. "Uhhhhh...trying to find your worst fear? " He said, sounding almost scared. I stared at him some more. He started to look nervous. "What? It's what we do!" He yelled. I punched him in the arm. "If you wake up my baby sister and make my mother have to come up here, I will destroy you, somehow." He registered that for a second. Then he got this weird look, like he was planning something. "Hey, do you like games?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, let's play a game. If I can guess your worst fear, and scare you with it, you and your family have to move out. If I can't, I'll leave you alone, and give you something in return. Deal?" I thought about it. Mom needed this house. After Dad left her, all she got were bills he had pushed off on her, leaving us struggling to find enough to eat. This house was cheap ($100 a month and some favors done for the owner), and it was all we could afford. But on the other hand, with the thing in return, I could ask for mom to find a job that suited her and brought more income to pay those stupid bills. I agreed. "However," I said. "My family can't be dragged into this, and no one's soul can be at stake. Got that?" He winced, then explained. "Everytime a demon loses, our souls are bound to those we lost to. Please be merciful if I lose?" I don't like hurting anyone in general, unless they hurt my family. I quickly agreed, and he followed suit. "Let the games begin!" He cried out, then he vanished. I felt a little scared, because, well, demon. They're notoriously untrustworthy. But I ignored that feeling. Anything happens, I take the fall for it. Big deal.