

Coffee with Kabilan❤️
As always Felt Something Personal With him,
May be this is the Love!!!
May be not!!!
I met him on a Rainy day
He smiled, and my heart stopped beating;
But for the first time I felt,
Like I have a heart, that beats,
Freaking butterflies in my stomach; Heat all over my body, but my body was numb to react,
And my eyes, they never left that face The unknown smile on my face
And I knew, I messed up;
He Makes me go Crazy
We've all heard about love at first sight, right?
Sounds like a fantasy, but then it happens with that one glance.
The ups and downs in our connection Mix of differences and similarities, Much like the ebb and flow of dawn and dusk.
Sprinkled with stardust,
unfolds in those quiet nights,
Comforting embraces,
Creating a unique
Tapestry of emotions and cosmic romance,
Just for you.
Oh, I knew I loved you,
Right from the beginning Your smile,
A magic spell,
A thread with no ending
October dusk's sweet kiss Home's Warmth in your eyes
Everything froze in that moment
Love's hues painted the skies
Love at first sight a surreal notion,
A mirage of fantasy
Yet a single look in your eye
And somehow it became my reality
So different yet so similar
Like dawn's light and dusk's gaze
With the above words on a letter on our coffee date and I said.....
"If I could send up my Heart to you
I never wanted to change you
I only ever wanted to love you for exactly who you are
Because the best and worst parts of you live in every part of my beat.
You always finds my pain behind "Its okay!!!"
Blabbered with the blush "I slept a lot because you were the dream"
I love you thousands time more"...
He's so Silent
Break his silence with these words
Small gestures of Love that Mean
"There are hearts that do not know how to hate no matter how much they have been wronged."
That's yours
I understand the
Unconditional Love!!! from you.
I felt it on another level.
I know you like coffee
Not only today's night
I wish it's always "Coffee with Kabilan"
Guys do you think he likes me???

© nilacibi