

Many water cannot quench Love, She is a consuming fire to those who despise her and a refining fire to those who embrace Her, treasure, a man who lack understanding disposed Love, like a deep swallow up, the merchandise, with their spoil, the same deep-sea will keep a bay, the men of understanding, , " who know how to raise what is under", she can't swallow up this merchandise, because Her deep calleth unto his deep, , money is good, but she can still swallow you up with your wealth and riches if you lack, understanding, she is like a two-edged sword can defend and can destroy, depending on which side of the fence you are, though like a sheep, in outward appearance, she is a devouring Liones within, God is Love, but He is a consuming fire, so LOVE is a Consuming 🔥

Many waters cannot quench LOVE

Faith based upon knowledge brings results

You cannot receive from God above your ( revelation) knowledge of the Father.

....Christ in you is the seed of God place in you at salvation which must grow with the knowledge of God. What are the knowledge of God? The way of the cross, shame of the cross, laying down your life, Death, spoiling principalities and powers and making a shame of them openly triumph over them in it (taking back what belong to you in Adam.

Though God love the whole world as a sovereign God , until you believe and accept His Lordship, you cannot partake of His Fatherly love
The greatest commandment is love
Before the fall of man . God love Adam and gave all the dominium , powers, and althority, riches and honor upon the Earth......' heaven of the heaven belong to the LORD, but the Earth has He given to the children of ma"...
... what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou art visitest him, thou made him a little lower than the Elohim, thou crown him with gory and honor and did set him over the work of thine hand".....
The totality of God's love was pour on man...... but God place before him power of choice .
God made Adam in His image and likeness psalm 82 said we are gods , sons of the most high"
But if we refuse to reflect the nature of our Father, which is
LOVE, the scripture said we will die like men"... the composition of the gene of God is Love , so he created Adam as a LOVE being, but gave him power to choose.... " Behold I place before you today the Way of death and life....". Adam had the power to choose between knowledge and ignorant or between the higher knowledge or the Lower knowledge.revelational from above or the informational knowledge by through our senses. If today you give birth to a child the first gift or inpaxtation to offer the child is knowledge which the Holy Spirit will incubate on to produce wisdom ( which is the foundation of life) if you don't do so the wicked one ( Satan) has his already program seed, and the wicked spirit start to teach the child and incubating upon the infant his nature.
When man sin , he was dethroned and the glory of God departed from him
Now this love was perverted and corrupted. Adam was disconnected from his source, so Satan had ro educate Adam's progenitor his lower knowledge which is birth by fear.the children of Adam where naturally to fear hate, doubt, etc this is because, since Adam died, the falling spirit (Satan) incubate " on this dead seed" to produce trees of unrighteousness and have become stronghold over the generations. So man naturally cannot love, and this the reason love is not in the Ten commandment. So to reverse this process, Another Adam have to die,( that does not have the genetic nature of the first Adam . ) So through the Death of Adam Satan incubate and produce the children of"death" so to say. But the death and resurrection of the second Adam produce the The Tree of Love in our regenerated spirit but the warfare to Love is in our soul .so upon our soul will need to conciousely through the help o the Holy Spirit learn the nature of Love that is in our regenerated spirit.. so it take faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to Begin to lean the process of love. So at salvation, our love is just like standing by the sea shoreline the water have no effect on us , but as we grow in Christ, open our soul, the level of God's love increases,, , maybe the sea reaches out ancle or thigh,, here we can swim a bit , the effects of the sea still not much but when it reaches our shoulder ( the position of responsibility) though we are still within the shoreline, we can turn back to the world if we wont , we have our not totally swallow up, we are approaching the place of safety but when we go a little further, the High sea, , here all the Earth supporting are totally suspended so the" law change hand" heaven take over completely, , here you don't have your own life you live wholly by the life of Christ. Here you ere in the ocean of , ...Love unspeakable, full of glory... you cannot afford to take your face of Christ in a moment because
Love a consuming ?

Many glasses of water cannot quench Love, She is a consuming fire to those who despise her and a refining fire to those who embrace Her, treasure, a man who lack understanding disposed Love, like a deep swallow up, the merchandise, with their spoil, the same deep-sea will keep a bay, the men of understanding, , " who know how to raise what is under", she can't swallow up this merchandise, because Her deep calleth unto his deep, , money is good, but she can still swallow you up with your wealth and riches if you lack, understanding, she is like a two-edged sword can defend and can destroy, depending on which side of the fence you are, though like a sheep, in outward appearance, she is a devouring Liones within, God is Love, but He is a consuming fire, so LOVE is a Consuming 🔥

Many waters cannot quench LOVE

Faith based upon knowledge brings results

You cannot receive from God above your ( revelation) knowledge of the Father.

....Christ in you is the seed of God place in you at salvation which must grow with the knowledge of God. What are the knowledge of God? The way of the cross, shame of the cross, laying down your life, Death, spoiling principalities and powers and making a shame of them openly triumph over them in it (taking back what belong to you in Adam.

Though God love the whole world as a sovereign God , until you believe and accept His Lordship, you cannot partake of His Fatherly love
The greatest commandment is love
Before the fall of man . God love Adam and gave all the dominium , powers, and althority, riches and honor upon the Earth......' heaven of the heaven belong to the LORD, but the Earth has He given to the children of ma"...
... what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou art visitest him, thou made him a little lower than the Elohim, thou crown him with gory and honor and did set him over the work of thine hand".....
The totality of God's love was pour on man...... but God place before him power of choice .
God made Adam in His image and likeness psalm 82 said we are gods , sons of the most high"
But if we refuse to reflect the nature of our Father, which is
LOVE, the scripture said we will die like men"... the composition of the gene of God is Love , so he created Adam as a LOVE being, but gave him power to choose.... " Behold I place before you today the Way of death and life....". Adam had the power to choose between knowledge and ignorant or between the higher knowledge or the Lower knowledge.revelational from above or the informational knowledge by through our senses. If today you give birth to a child the first gift or inpaxtation to offer the child is knowledge which the Holy Spirit will incubate on to produce wisdom ( which is the foundation of life) if you don't do so the wicked one ( Satan) has his already program seed, and the wicked spirit start to teach the child and incubating upon the infant his nature.
When man sin , he was dethroned and the glory of God departed from him
Now this love was perverted and corrupted. Adam was disconnected from his source, so Satan had ro educate Adam's progenitor his lower knowledge which is birth by fear.the children of Adam where naturally to fear hate, doubt, etc this is because, since Adam died, the falling spirit (Satan) incubate " on this dead seed" to produce trees of unrighteousness and have become stronghold over the generations. So man naturally cannot love, and this the reason love is not in the Ten commandment. So to reverse this process, Another Adam have to die,( that does not have the genetic nature of the first Adam . ) So through the Death of Adam Satan incubate and produce the children of"death" so to say. But the death and resurrection of the second Adam produce the The Tree of Love in our regenerated spirit but the warfare to Love is in our soul .so upon our soul will need to conciousely through the help o the Holy Spirit learn the nature of Love that is in our regenerated spirit.. so it take faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to Begin to lean the process of love. So at salvation, our love is just like standing by the sea shoreline the water have no effect on us , but as we grow in Christ, open our soul, the level of God's love increases,, , maybe the sea reaches out ancle or thigh,, here we can swim a bit , the effects of the sea still not much but when it reaches our shoulder ( the position of responsibility) though we are still within the shoreline, we can turn back to the world if we wont , we have our not totally swallow up, we are approaching the place of safety but when we go a little further, the High sea, , here all the Earth supporting are totally suspended so the" law change hand" heaven take over completely, , here you don't have your own life you live wholly by the life of Christ. Here you ere in the ocean of , ...Love unspeakable, full of glory... you cannot afford to take your face of Christ in a moment because
Love a consuming ?