

A story :

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a rooster named Ramón who believed himself to be the bravest and strongest of all animals. He always strutted around the corral bragging about his skills and looking down on the other animals.

One day, a terrible storm hit the town and all the animals took refuge in the barn. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was pouring down. In the middle of the storm, Ramón saw a family of mice desperately looking for a safe place to protect themselves. But instead of helping them, the rooster mocked them and told them that they were not welcome, since only brave people like him deserved to be safe.

But as the storm raged, the old barn began to shake and threaten to collapse. The mice, very afraid, sought refuge in a corner, far from the rooster, but they found nothing safe. It was then that Ramón, with all his arrogance, realized that everyone was in danger.

Then, swallowing his pride, he asked the mice for forgiveness and offered them shelter under his wings, protecting them from the storm. Finally, the storm passed and all the animals left the barn unharmed.

Ramón understood that true bravery is not in boasting about oneself, but in helping others when they need it most. The moral of this story is that pride and arrogance do not make us more valuable, but true greatness is demonstrated when we are humble and willing to help others.

Dragonfly 🦋
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