

At boot camp...
Monday morning and I knew things were going to be difficult the same old routine so I better just get started. Everyone got ready after we got to breakfast I was relieved that he wasn't there. It wasn't that I didn't want to see him it's just I didn't know how to respond to someone like him. I had heard some of the ladies talking about the nice funeral that he and his sister Cameron had given his father.
He took it pretty hard they said I never thought I would see a man like that cry. Breakfast was almost over and everybody were starting to pick up and leave having a two mile walk to do. Roll call and we're off
out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a someone dressed in black walking towards us was him. Goodmorning ladies step up the pace he said as he turned and walked backwards. I couldn't bring myself to look at him looking straight ahead I just walked. I could hear some ladies talking about how good looking he was and how they thought he had to be married. The sun had started coming up it was getting hot Don't get tired now ladies we still got a mile to go he said. After we got back to camp everybody were doing their daily tasks I looked up and look dead into his eyes after a second I shook it off.
He had on all black and to me he really made black beautiful I never saw black look that good before I thought.
He turned and walked out the door the rest of the day went on as usual but for some my spirit was restless. My spirit could feel something it was as it want to leave and I just couldn't think straight. I felt this way before but this feeling got my life all messed the first time why should this time be any different I thought. 9 o'clock I couldn't get to sleep I heard snoring everywhere it bothered me. My spirit was stirred my body was flipping I couldn't get comfortable. I wasn't thinking about him I wouldn't let even the thought of him in my head. 10 o'clock 11o'clock I got up sat on the side of my bunk holding my face in my hands. I was half way to the pond before I realized it.. I thought one time that weren't coming he paused,
I asked you a question our last talk that you didn't answer he said. I don't remember the question anyway I just came to to say this, we can't do. I don't know anything about you and I don't need anymore problems in my life at this time. He stood up West I'm not going to pressure you to do nothing not even talk to me he said. We stood there looking at each other I down my head and walked over to the pond the light from the moon made it look peaceful. He was still wearing black, jeans and a black tee shirt this time out of for mourning his dad. How are you doing are you ok I asked. Well you've only got one dad and one don't really understand the feeling of a love one's death until it happens I coping.
West are you with anyone in a relationship I want to know. No.. I said but I hear that you are with someone but you're here now talking to me. Look I refuse to waste my time falling for another somebody that is already with someone else looking at somebody else. That isn't right for you me or her. I was starting to get mad and me emotions were starting to show. He walked closer I backed up. At this time he noticed that i backed up so he backed up. West we're just talking what are you so afraid of. There's something that draws me to you it's like I can feel you, your feelings and thoughts I said.
I'm won't be in tomorrow I've business to take care of with my dad's insurance I'll be out of town until Wednesday I don't want you to come here and get the wrong idea he said.He turns an walked down the path to his car. I didn't say anything I just walked back to the dorm got back into bed and my spirit was peaceful so I went to sleep.

© "Cloud