



***Written by springjoymichael***

#history #romance #betrayal

Thanks for reading your likes and comment are appreciated.

Chapter 2.

The sun shone brightly to karma's room as she opened her eyes bit by bit yawning widely yesterday's exercise with Antonio drained her energy up she blushed remembering it all she quickly looked at the side but couldn't find Antonio she looked into the blanket she covered herself with and realized she is still naked she quickly ran to the bathroom and freshened up then went down and met Antonio and her little sister discussing.

Catherine is 23 years old while karma will be 25 in three days time Catherine has a lovely feminine look her hair is fair and short just at her shoulders unlike karma's whose hair is at the bottom of her buttocks. Catherine has dimples which magnifys itself whenever she smiles or she is talking. She is slender with blue eyes looking at her eye balls it looks like a blue sea she kind and generous speaks in a graceful manner.

"Antonio I'm happy you came I know karma will be delighted to see you!"Catherine said smiling as a maid turned tea for them both.

"Of course I am delighted to see you all too visiting this palace again has given me great joy" he replied.

"I'm really sorry I wasn't around to wait for your arrival I went to attend to some things!"She apologized.

"Yes! Karma said so you were busy with your teacher he smiled and Catherine returned the smile too."

"Antonio!"Karma called patting his shoulders.

"I see you already feel at home she said"

"Sure! This has always been a home he replied kissing the back of her palm"

"I beg to take my leave with karma my lady! He said"

"Alright please be careful"Said Catherine to Antonio though she is the younger but always looks after karma.

Few minutes after they left lady Misa came to met Catherine.

"Why are you not at the dinning table?"She asked sitting down.

"I was only welcoming karma's fiance I'm not ready for breakfast."She answered

"And what is the little princess doing today?"Lady Misa asked concerned

"Going for classes she replied trying to leave."Honestly the presence of her step mother annonys her a lot after her parents died something keeps telling her that lady Misa is in for no good.

"Not so soon dear!"Lady misa said holding Catherine's wrist

"I have come to discuss something important with you she said so please sit down."

Catherine Looked at her and sat down eager to hear what she wants to say.

"I'm certain you are aware karma will soon get married? She asked not expecting an answer I was wondering, isn't it time you get a suitor?"She said and Catherine Looked in surprise.

"Getting a suitor? She asked surprised I'm not ready for that.she said plainly".

"I'm not asking for your opinion I'm only telling you because I will get you a suitor soon and that person is Antonio she said evily."

"What? Catherine asked in doubts."

" Look around and see you both are compatible I know Antonio prefers you to your sister" remember I'm older than you and I'm your mother as well.

Catherine looked at her speechless she couldn't utter any word and just looked in disbelief.

"I will give you time to think about it three days time is your sister's birthday you can request a gift from her I know she will Grant your request ask for Antonio"

She said smiling like the devil herself.

Catherine watched as she walked out of her presence and wondered what an human she is.she quickly left to get her lessons considering no word of lady Misa.

Karma and Antonio went out of the palace touring the woods karma haven't been to this part before though she is so good at breaking rules but didn't dare to come this far as she heard of vampires.

"Antonio where are you going? She asked a bit scared"

"I'm taking on a tour and also you are going to fight me"He replied

"Fight you? She asked not understanding anything he is saying."

"You are going to show me how talented you are with swords"He said and karma smiled proudly.

She is very good in using swords she is a demigod in it non of the soliders are equal to her expect the army commander.

"Well I don't have to show you as I will slain you alive"She teased.

"I love your confident"Antonio replied with a smirk.

Quickly Antonio threw her a sword and she caught it in the air swinging it around it really long since she held a sword after the death of her parents,she haven't gone for training.

Antonio positioned his swords and swinged it with less energy yet faster like a lighting seeing this karma marvelled but she won't let down her guard she swinged hers as their swords colliding keeping the wood alive with it's sound.

"What? Antonio asked you have to fight me like an enemy" he said to her.

Karma held back her stamina and quickly attacked Antonio at the heart.

"Give up she said"

"Never! Antonio replied quickly jumping up"

He swinged his sword with seriousness and focus seeing karma really has skills he flipped it in the air and caught it again now without hestitation,he quickly attacked her smashing her swords out of her hand,he hand placed his swords at the back of his heart.

Karma stood frozed as she didn't see that coming she stared at him as he lend his hands she took it after sometime

"How did you do that? She asked"

"Never turn to pick a sword he said ignoring her questions."

"Let's go! He said and karma stood in disappointment."

"I will certainly win you in the palace it's because I'm not used to the woods she said sadly"

"Hahaha Antonio laughed a warrior is used and familiar to everywhere did you see, you haven't mastered your skills"He said teasely. Of a Truth karma is really an expert he only used his powers on her and karma,she got carried away by watching his cool moves.

They drove silently to the palace.
© springjoymichael