

PERCIVAL : The Love Dove

"We tire and we bore, still we ask the Lord "What else is in store?"

Maggie had fallen later that day down the stairs carrying the laundry. Percival was asleep, and woke up with a start. Maggie had blood seeping from her mouth and nose, and was not moving. Percival chirped and chirped to no avail. No one answered. So she banged and clanged on her cage until the latch on the door unleashed and out she flew


Right into the window.
Knocked out cold, she again woke up with a start and shook the cobwebs, and ⭐✨⭐!
After she sorted her feathers, she slid 'under the window sill, and hurried off to the Malt Shop where the kids were with Charlie.

"SQUAWK SQUAWK SQUAWK!" She squeaked and beaked. Charlie didn't know what to make of it, but the kids instantly knew.

"Mom's in trouble," they both cried out.

Charles hurried them into the car while Percival zipped back to the house. She FLAPPED FLAPPED her wings as mightily as she could to help the blood to congeal.

Maggie, she was sore afraid, was slipping away!

“We are tired
We are bored
Yet we asked
Lord, what more is in store?
What love can you show?
What peace can you give?
I am gift of love."