

I moved swiftly away from him but he was faster than I thought. He grabbed me from behind and I struggled to let go of his grip but his masculine muscles were tightened around my fragile body.
He held me fiercely and wrapped his arms around my body, pulled me into an embrace I never wished for. He kissed me forcefully and made me feel his breath and perceive his smell.
The place was dark and we were the only persons in it. He held me so close to himself that I could feel his manhood on my body. He caressed my thighs and kissed my neck.
I struggled and couldn't keep calm. He finally released me from his grip after he was satisfied with the dirty act. He stared so hard into my eyes and gave an evil smile. I ran out of the place instantly and didn't even wait a second.
I cried and blamed myself for being so vulnerable but it wasn't my fault.
If I had a chance to re-live that day, I wouldn't have stepped out of my house at all. Even if I had, I would have taken a sharp object, preferably a blade, to cut his wrists open the moment he laid his filthy hands on me.

© Bilqees Olowu🌹