

Sweet Siblings
"Hey! What's up Sun? Your duty here is over. Now, I have to rise within an hour. It’s time for sunset and you need to take rest”, said Moon gleefully and rhythmically.
But, Sun stayed quiet. Watching the sad face of the Sun, Moon asked, “Hey! What happened to you?”
“Nothing, just feeling low”, said Sun sadly.
“Why? If you want, you can share it with me. And it’s okay if you don’t” said Moon.
“Apart from being my sister, you are my best friend so I’m ready to share anything with you because I trust you”, said Sun.
Then, Sun started narrating the reason of changing her mood, “People says that my head is hot. During summer, I become much hotter and I destroy plants. Animals and birds faint due to thirst. Humans are effected by sunstroke. And the culprit behind all these things is nobody other than me.”
“People are becoming toxic day by day. Don’t be sad. They forget that global warming is caused by them only. Humans are the creators of pollution. The more the humans are progressing, the more they are forgetting their mankind. Nowadays, people seek each other like a use and throw pen. As soon as your work will be finished, they will throw you in the dustbin and move out for something new. You will become a garbage and stay no longer valuable to them. So, please don’t mind what others say to you. Maybe they forget that sunlight plays a vital role for the survival and growth of all living beings”, said Moon.
“But, still I think that I’m unlucky. I find myself guilty and even sometimes, I blame myself for being Sun” said Sun sadly.
Moon opens her mouth and said, “Stop blaming yourself, dear. You are too good to be judged. You are bright and beautiful like a flower...”
Moon was going to say more but Sun cuts her words and speaks up.
“Please! Stop praising me, please. I’m requesting you. I know myself better than you do”, said Sun coldly.
Being surprised with Sun’s words, Moon said, "But, you are really beautiful. Beautiful like a flow-w-w..."
Moon’s words didn’t completed yet. But, Sun becomes furious and stopped her mouth.
"Moon! Please stop! Atleast stop by the name of God. I'm your big sister. So, I know more than you do. But, you think that you are superior to me. I know that you are going to compare me with sun-flower whose face is black. But, I’m not a kid so I can’t be overwhelmed by your words. I know that I’m not perfect. But, if I’m sharing my grief with you that doesn’t mean that you can say whatever you want”, said Sun with a dead glare.
“Sorry dear! Sorry if I hurt you. But, I didn’t said anything wrong”, Moon said softly.
Sun stared at Moon and said, “Sorry! Sorry for what!? It’s all my fault to share it with you. Sometimes, I felt that I’m cursed of being the biggest sister in the solar system. Being the biggest among all, I’ve taken all responsibilities. Still! Still! Still, people criticizes and compares me with others. Even people didn’t want to look at me. I hate criticism and comparison. It hurts when people compares me with others. But, it hurts a little bit more when people compares me with with-h-h...”
Sun stopped and didn’t completed her sentence.
“With whom?” Moon asked.
Sun didn’t said anything.
But, Moon understands that people compares Sun with her.
“Leave it and notice the sky. It’s becoming dark”, said Sun.
Sun was trying to change the topic. Meanwhile, Moon speaks up, “Yeah, the sky. The sky is becoming dark but not much darker than the scars of mine”, said Moon mockingly with a sore throat.
Being shocked with tone of Moon’s words, Sun asked, “Whhh-a-ttt! You have scars!? Oh, God! What can I do with Moon? Again, you have started kidding with me.”
Moon gave a fake smile. Sun noticed it and said, “Hey, Moon! I’m sorry. Please don’t mind my words. You know, I’m hot-headed and short tempered. I’m straightforward. Whatever I said, I said it only from my mouth but not from my heart. You know me very well, didn’t you? Huh?”
Moon stayed silent.
Observing her silence, Sun softly said, “Moon, did you know? I feel glad whenever I hear that people are praising you. Not only they praise you about being white and bright but also for staying calm and cool. Really!! Really, you are very beautiful. The more the sky becomes dark, the more your beauty starts mesmerising . Among all stars, you are perfect . People admires your beauty much more than anybody else. I feel proud of you. Sometimes, I feel that I’m blessed by thinking that I get a little, sweet sister like you.”
Hearing the beautiful and heart-touching words of Sun, Moon cried, “Thank you! Thanks a bunch dear. But, little did you know that people also judge me. I’ve heard people saying, “Look at the dark scars of the glowing white moon.”
Sun interrupted and said in an angry tone, “What the f-u-c-k! Scars in you!?”
“Yes, people says that I’ve scars. The meteors have made it.”
“Oh! No! Don’t listen the words of those mad people”, said Sun angrily.
“Sometimes, people forget me while counting stars. But, they never forget about my dark scars”, saying these words, Moon started crying.
“Hey dear! Don’t cry. You don’t look good with tears. If you cry, your shine on face will fades away. I was late to understand that people wants us to fight. They are jealous about the beautiful bond still exists between us”, said Sun while hugging Moon.
“Okay! I’ll not cry but you have to promise me Sun that you’ll always keep a smiley face from the next day onwards”, said Moon.
Sun smiled and agreed.
“Hello, sweet siblings! Time’s up for gossiping. Sun, it’s time to become apart from Moon now”, said by a galaxy of stars.
“Oh! I forgot about the time. Okay, bye everybody”, said Sun while breaking the hug from Moon.
“Bye-e-e Sun!! Good night-t-t and sweet dream-m-s-s!!”, said everybody.

© Baishali Mandal