

Uncle Tom
It is noon again but this time it's raining all over the city we don't have choice so we have a little talk in the dining with my Mom who is currently pregnant and Uncle Tom busy browsing the internet.
"We have new neighbor Mika is her name sister of Vince. She arrived yesterday hearing the sad news she almost collapsed . "Mom told.
"Sad news for her"I said without minding what I utter then excusing myself to go to my room.He can't stand the face of this individual living in the same roof.Two face people and too many secrets.

I went to my room tried to sleep but couldn't then Uncle Tom came.
"Did you kill Vince? he ask
"Why would I do that. I am not capable in hurting others should you ask yourself the same questions. "

Unce Tom eyes smirk "Kiel boy I know what your doing "

"Oh really!then prove it to me"

"In time Kiel not this time. "

He march outside like a soldier with insult look in him.

To be continued