

close to the end: return to the nothingness
This war is almost over and its a lost I'm afraid imma have to take. I've never felt more alone then I do now. Empty, cold and alone back down that dark road I go...this depression got its tight grip on my soul dragging me back down, lost any strength I have left trashing back an forth to get loss . Giving up was never an option but the light is fading an the warmth no longer there like it use to be..comes an goes like everything else in my life leaving me in the cold. Imma admit I'm scared to death of returning to the nothingness...My old home I thought I left be hind, I guess it was never meant for me to leave.


I can tell I'm close an not to far away, from the cries of pain and the silent scream for help getting louder my old home isn't to far ahead...No one to save me this time I'm afraid the light will soon be engulfed by darkness an the light will never shine down on me. My hope an faith is fading as well nothing more to do but to keep fighting until I can't anymore....My depression an anxiety is winning this war an taking me along as a prize to the cold an lonely abise where my screams an cries our silent by the darkness, just like light when entering a blackwhole....

Ik I can't give up an let depression completely kill me off, imma keep moving forward day by day in a trance and keep trying till i find away back out...I pray I do for my babies sake.....As for now my story continues....The light maybe fading on me closing the chapter of what was supposed to be my happy ending. The Nothingness continues, Could this be my last fight or will life toss me another surprise.

© carmenC