

How did we get here
Welcome to the Sumerian - the civilisation first recorded. The cradle of the oriental soon followed by the bubble migration of the Aryan tribes that brought mostly the east into the limelight.

Then the centre of the world was dominated by Babylonian upheaval that lasted many millennia. Years later colonialism took over the nations of the loss of many El Dorados in the makings.

This was the beginning for the brave new world. With the advent of incremental technology, the world is now global or rather globalised - without borders except the values of politics and economics.

The world is no longer about east vs west but rather the demise of diverse cultures and languages. One day - sooner - there is going to be one race - there will no longer be the need to check in the colour of the skin nor religion nor the many languages that is already extinct.

We will be classified as universal humanoids - everyone driven by universal data and a patterned copycat lifestyle. Globalisation is and will stringentely and dogmatically maneuvered by the Adam Smith economy, smart and doggedly marketing and the English language for all communication .

Soon the world is no longer a fascination without the diversity nor tourism that propounds culture and spirituality (as against religiosity) - it's simply a salesforce geared to surrender us to a unruly point of view.

Strangely we will be no longer the unique human from any particular country. We may be enslaved to the by-products of globalisation till the end of destruction. Then - will we be happy ?