

Mahatma Gandhi
MK Gandhi, commonly known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in a small town on Western Coast of India, Porbandar on 2nd October 1869. Pobandar was then one of the many tiny states in Kathiawar, Gujarat. He was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism when British ruled our nation. People used to call him by various names as Bapu, Gandhiji, Mahatma Gandhi. He was Jain / Hindu as religion. He was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism when British ruled our nation. People used to call him by various names as Bapu, Gandhiji, Mahatma Gandhi. He was Jain / Hindu as religion. He was known as a prominent figure of Indian Independence movement, propounding the philosophy of Satyagraha and Ahimsa advocating non-violence, pacifism.
Mahatma Gandhi went to an elementary school in Porbandar. While he was still in high school, he was married with Kasturbha Gandhi. He had four children, Harilal Manilal Ramdas Devdas. His parents were Putlibai Gandhi (Mother) and Karamchand Gandhi (Father).Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi studied law in Bombay University for 1 year, then moved to University College London and returned to India in 1891 to practice. He took on a one-year contract to do legal work in South Africa in 1893. He became the first non-white lawyer to be admitted to the bar Mahatma Gandhi was a great man both in personal front as well as in political effect. He developed a method of action based upon the principles of courage, nonviolence and truth called Satyagraha ("Satya" - truth, "Agraha" – persuasion).Satyagraha movement promoted nonviolence and civil disobedience as the most appropriate methods for obtaining political and social goals. He walked on foot to the ocean in protest against the British salt monopoly and salt tax.
Biography of Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was a great man both in personal front as well as in political effect. MK Gandhi, commonly known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in a small town on Western Coast of India, Porbandar in October 2, 1869

MK Gandhi, commonly known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in a small town on Western Coast of India, Porbandar on 2nd October 1869. Pobandar was then one of the many tiny states in Kathiawar, Gujarat. He was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism when British ruled our nation. People used to call him by various names as Bapu, Gandhiji, Mahatma Gandhi. He was Jain / Hindu as religion. He was known as a prominent figure of Indian Independence movement, propounding the philosophy of Satyagraha and Ahimsa advocating non-violence, pacifism.

Mahatma Gandhi went to an elementary school in Porbandar. While he was still in high school, he was married with Kasturbha Gandhi. He had four children, Harilal Manilal Ramdas Devdas. His parents were Putlibai Gandhi (Mother) and Karamchand Gandhi (Father).

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi studied law in Bombay University for 1 year, then moved to University College London and returned to India in 1891 to practice. He took on a one-year contract to do legal work in South Africa in 1893. He became the first non-white lawyer to be admitted to the bar in South Africa.

Mahatma Gandhi was a great man both in personal front as well as in political effect. He developed a method of action based upon the principles of courage, nonviolence and truth called Satyagraha ("Satya" - truth, "Agraha" – persuasion).Satyagraha movement promoted nonviolence and civil disobedience as the most appropriate methods for obtaining political and social goals. He walked on foot to the ocean in protest against the British salt monopoly and salt tax.

Using the principles of Satyagraha he led the campaign for Indian independence from Britain. During this period, he was arrested many times by the British for his activities in South Africa and India.

In 1921, Mahatma Gandhi called for the non-cooperation movement against the British Government with the sole object of attaining Swaraj or independence for India. Even though the movement achieved roaring success all over the country, the incident of mob violence in Chauri Chaura, Uttar Pradesh forced Gandhi to call off the mass disobedience movement.

Gandhi campaigned to improve the lives of the untouchables, whom he called Harijans (the children of God). He promoted equitable rights, including the right to vote in the same electorates as other castes. Altogether he spent seven years in prison for his political activities.

The Cabinet Mission sent by the British government proposed for the division of India on communal basis which Gandhi protested. Mahatma Gandhi eventually he had to relent and on Independence where thousands lost their lives in communal riots. Mahatma Gandhi urged for communal harmony and worked tirelessly to promote unity among the Hindus and Muslims.

Mahatma Gandhi was shot three times in the chest and died while on his way to a prayer meeting, on 30th January 1948. Those who assassinated him were convicted and executed a year later. His ashes were split in portions and sent to all states of India to be scattered in rivers. Part of Gandhi's ashes rest in Raj Ghat, near Delhi, India. Part of Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes is in Los Angeles.