

All I ever lived for was my studies and what feat I'd achieve with my brilliance. All I ever cared for was how to pass every single exam set before ne, devouring it like the roaring lion and this I did with all diligence!

To say my parents were proud of me was to belittle the reality, my teachers basked in the knowledge that I was under their tutelage, my classmates envied me and those fortunate to be in my league of friends would kill to remain there!

I was the pride of my school, State, nation. My intelligence was unparalleled. Some even made a joke that I would be smarter than Einstein, that my future looked brighter than Newton+Pythagoras+Plato joined together! At this level, I was the next big thing on Earth. With everyone treating me like a demi god, how wouldn't I be proud of myself too. Ofcourse I was proud of myself and the accolades and all motivated me the more, made me a bookaholic.

Despite all these, I felt there was something lurking just around me which I was yet to grasp.

The she came.

With a beauty as bright as the sun, moon, stars and the heavenly lights put together. And as simply as two opposite sides of a magnet attracted, ours was an attraction so mighty. I had the brains, she had the beauty, so enthralling and captivating, I fell carelessly. It wasn't unrequited though as she was struck deeply by my intellect and aura, I wasn't bad as well...

It was an enviable union that left only to the imagination the product such union would produce. Ours would be offsprings of unearthly beauty with brains, they would be a very special specie, an alien like combination.

Everyone smiled and rejoiced with us save *fate* for as it appeared, she battled with a heart condition which left her counting down, numbering her days on Earth.

And then the wicked bomb was released, a 'secret' known only by her surviving relative;her father(who wondered what strength was left of the heart that it could love like she loved me).

Love always prevails.

'I promised you my heart my love, and my heart you shall have.'

"What a mindless proposition son! How can you shatter and give up your future for a lady? What do you know about love?!"

"I know enough that I want her to have my heart, forever and one day more."

And so it was. She did have it.

"I only ask that with each beat of my heart in you, know and be convinced of my love for you, for my heart always beats for you."

My very last words.