

in time
There are so many things in the world, that we just started doing and using without knowing the person that did it. such as the use of a motorcycle,car or mobile phone .
''the invertor of the mobile phone martin cooper was the first to make a handheld cellular phone call in the public. cooper invented the handheld mobile phone in 1973 while he was still working for Motorola . He was born on December 26,1928''.
•what do you think about the man that made history?
This might be a surprising history ,but it is one of the things you should know with some other histories .
searching for these histories will let us to know more and any of them can be a very useful one for each and everyone of us in the future .
•Do you think he was actually the one ?
And ,in one way or how has the mobile phone helped you in this generation... let us try to make history that will help even the next generation .

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