

This story about MAFIA EMPIRE . so don't get angry .

Let's begin 👇


Mafia :
an organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioural code.
any organized group of criminals resembling the Mafia in its way of operating. group regarded as exerting a hidden sinister influence.

In US :

"Don vricto " was the leader of Mafia Gang . in US there are three groups of Mafia Gang . Three groups of Gang have a different leaders . Don vricto was the Leader of all the Mafia gangs in US .

Gang 1 : "Nachi " he is the Leader of Gang 1 . His work is to supply drugs to other countries . But the drugs will come from "Devil" .

Gang 2 : " George" he is the Leader of Gang 2 and he is the Son of Don vricto . His work is to kill the members who attacking For example
Like police , Militaries , Local Don .


Aryan is Villain and Darshan is hero .

In subway Hotel :

Aryan -- Jhon ! today is Don vricto's Birthday . He invited for Birthday party at night .

Jhon -- Yes sir .

Aryan -- Today we should kill Nachi , George and Don vricto .

Jhon -- Yes sir ! .

Aryan -- As a Indian I should do this .

In George Bar :

This is Gang leader George's Bar .

Ram -- Darshan ! why we came here ?
Darshan -- Suspence for my brother .
Ram -- What Suspence ?
Darshan -- Call Sam ! .

Sam -- I'm here only . why we came here ? .

Darshan -- My brother planed to kill George , Nachi and Don vricto .

Ram -- Ok .

Darshan -- Now I'm going to kill George and Birthday party will be cancelled and his plan will be failure .

Sam -- No problem know ! .
Darshan -- Small problem will come .
Ram -- what problem ? .
Darshan -- My brother will kill me .
Sam -- then don't kill him .
Darshan -- I'm going to kill . Bye .

After few minutes .

Darshan -- Hi . Sir .
George -- Hi . Aryan ! .
Darshan -- sir I'm not Aryan . I'm Aryan's brother Darshan .

George -- oh ! Darshan . sit .
Darshan -- Sir now I'm going to kill you .

George -- What ? .
Darshan -- I'm Indian Police .
George -- What ? .
Darshan -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .
George -- Hey Guards catch him .
Darshan -- Now only I killed your guards .

George -- Hey ? .
Darshan -- Good bye .


In Subway hotel :

Jhon -- sir your brother killed George.
Aryan -- Ha Ha Ha . Don't tell this one to Don vricto .

Jhon -- Ok sir .
Aryan -- first I wanto kill my Brother.
Jhon -- sir . Can I kill him .
Aryan -- Don't kill him now . Wait .

NIGHT 9:00PM . 99th Birthday party of Don vricto .

In Birthday Party :

Nachi -- Hi .
Aryan -- Hi .
Nachi -- where is George ? .
Aryan -- He will come .
Nachi -- Ok .

Aryan setups everything correctly . His guards kept gun under Don vricto's Bed .

Jhon -- sir ! everything is perfect .
Aryan -- Ok .

They planed correctly at 10:00PM . They should kill Don vricto and Nachi .

Don vricto is very old man he couldn't able to walk also . They can kill him easily . But to kill Nachi is very tuf .

Now the time is 10:00PM .

Jhon -- Sir we are Ready .
Aryan -- How many guards we have.
Jhon -- Sir . 100 .
Aryan -- They are Ready ?
Jhon -- Yes sir .
Aryan -- Attack .

🔫🔫🗡⚔️🏹🔫🔫🔫⚔️🗡🏹🔫 .

They killed Nachi and their Gang .

Don vricto's guards started to Attack .

Aryan -- Drop your weapons .

They are continuously shooting .

Aryan -- No Way. kill them .
Jhon -- Yes sir ... Guards Attack them.

🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡⚔️⚔️🔫🏹🗡⚔️ .

Aryan -- Happy Birthday sir .
Don vricto -- Hey 😡 .
Aryan -- oh ! sorry . Happy deathday . Bye .

Aryan killed Don vricto . And Aryan become the head of MAFIA .

Jhon -- sir can I ask you one thing .
Aryan -- Yes .
Jhon -- Why are you fighting with your brother .

Aryan -- He is Indian police officer . He came here to kill me . But I will kill him soon .

Jhon -- Ok sir .
Aryan -- I'm the Mafia ! .


In South Africa :
South Africa produces almost 190 metric tons of gold per year. In fact, South Africa was known as the world’s largest gold producer for many years. However, production has dwindled in recent years.

South Africa sended 500Kg gold biscets through Ship to US .

From the US the 500Kg gold will Reach to Aryan .

And he will sell that gold biscets to all the country illegal .

And Aryan has another Business also he will transport 1000 Kg Cannabis , opioids, including heroin. These all are Rare and very harmful "DRUGS ".

How Drugs are Affected your Body ?
Different types of drugs affect your body in different ways.
They can have short-term and long-term effects, which can be both physical and psychological.
You might think drugs won’t become a problem because you are only a casual user.
Drug use can quickly start to affect your health and other aspects of your life. So don't use it .

In US :

Ram -- Your brother supplying drugs to all the country .

Darshan -- do you know my goal ? .
Ram -- I don't know .
Darshan -- My goal and aim is to bring "drug free society" .

Jhon came ! .

Jhon -- Hi Darshan .
Darshan -- Hi .
Jhon -- your brother called you .
Darshan -- I will come ! .

In Aryan's house :

Darshan -- Wow! big house within one year . great ! .

Aryan -- Brother ! how are you ? .
Darshan -- I'm fine .
Aryan -- Don't come in my way .

Darshan -- Ok . But I want drug free society .

Aryan -- Ha Ha Ha . Our main business is supplying drugs .

Darshan -- then stop it .
Aryan -- I can kill you but I will not stop this business .

Darshan -- Ok .

Aryan -- so don't put any plan .
Darshan -- I have more plan .
Aryan -- what ? .

Darshan -- I can keep bomb in your ship .

Aryan -- keep! . I planed to kill you 😡 .
Darshan -- Ok good luck .

In Ship port :

The ship filled with cannabis , heroin and 500kg pure gold . And ship started to move .

Now ship moving towards INDIA .
in India more peoples were addicted by the Drugs . So only Aryan choosed India .

Ram -- Hi . Guards how are you ?
Guards -- Hey ! Who are you ? How did you enter inside the ship ? .

Ram -- see there ! .

Darshan fighting with guards .

Ram -- How is it ? .
Guards -- Hey 😡 .

Darshan shooted all the Guards 🔫 .

Sam -- Darshan! fire this drugs .
Darshan -- Ok .

Darshan fired the Drugs 🔥 .

Darshan -- see here 500Kg gold .
Sam -- Yes .
Ram -- Now . What we can do ? .
Darshan -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .

Darshan fired the SHIP 🔥 . And they escaped from the ship .

In Aryan's house :

Jhon -- your brother fired the ship.
Aryan -- Transport our gold and drugs through Aeroplane .

Jhon -- Ok . Sir! .

In Darshan's house :

Darshan -- My brother will transport drugs through any way . So let's move to India .

Ram -- Yah ! that also good .



In India :

Darshan came to India .

Ram -- Now what is our work to do ?.
Darshan -- we should find where is the Drugs supplied .

Sam -- Darshan ! If Drugs should not supplied you must kill your brother first .

Darshan -- Ha Ha Ha . He will come here ! .

In Delhi police station :

Darshan -- I'm police officer "Darshan" .

Police -- Oh ! Hi sir .

Darshan -- where is "RITA " .

Police -- sir .Mam went for investigation .

Darshan -- Oh ! .
Police -- sir wait here mam will come soon .

Darshan -- it's ok .

Rita also a police officer . Rita and Darshan both are Best friends .

Ram -- Now ! What we can do ? .

Darshan -- Let's go to our MOTHER LAND .


In US :

Aryan -- Darshan went to India . I think he is going to do something .

Jhon -- Yes sir .

Aryan -- Come ! let's go to India . Come with our GUARDS .

Jhon -- sir Can I call 100 members .
Aryan -- No . 1000 members .
Jhon -- Ok . Sir.

In India :

Rita -- Hi ! Darshan .
Darshan -- Hi ! How are you ? .
Rita -- I'm fine .

Darshan -- I sawn my Brother . He is biggest Mafia . He only supplying drugs .

Rita -- Really ! .

Darshan -- Yes .
Rita -- Now ! What we can do ? .
Darshan -- A big network behind him . So Let's take ACTION 🔥 .


9% school kids in Tamil Nadu districts addicted for intoxicants : survey .

See In tamil nadu the small children are addicted for Drugs .

26% children are addicted to Alcohol
22% childrens are used to Smoke and other tobbaco products .
10% childrens were smoked ganja .
9% children were addicted to heroin .

Darshan -- Rita ! see these many people and Childrens were addicted towards Drugs , Alcohol , Smoking , ganja .

Rita -- Yes .

Darshan -- every Children has their dream know like Dr. A.P.J . Abdul kalam ? .

Rita -- Yes ! . Don't feel .

Darshan -- Now I planed to go to TAMIL NADU .


Ram , Sam , Rita and DARSHAN came to Tamil Nadu .

As per the research in tamil nadu most of Children in GOVERNMENT SCHOOL were Addicted towards the Drugs .


PRV college is the biggest college in tamil nadu . In that college all the womens were in the strike against the Drugs .

They want "Drug free society " .

Due to this drugs more crimes are happening . Ladies can't able to go out at night time . Like this more crimes are happening .

So only they want " Drug free society " .

Darshan -- students ! infront of college you didn't get any solution .

Uma -- sir ! I'm Uma . I'm senior .

Darshan -- Ok . Go and strike in central city of Chennai . then you get a solution for this .

Uma -- Ok Sir . Girls come let's go ! .

In Chennai city central :

All the girls started to strike . They blocked all the vehicles except Ambulance .

1000+ girls are striking .

Within 3 minutes police came . After few minutes Chief minister of Tamil nadu came .

Chief minister can't able to Ban the Drugs . If they Banned the Drugs Million crores loss for them .

He can't able to bring " Drug free society " .

Chief minister approved police to take violence .

Police officer -- Attack them ! .

Police force beating the Womens .
Many of the Womens were dead .
Many of them got injury .

Darshan came .

Darshan -- Don't beat them .

Police Arrested Darshan and Now Darshan in Jail .

One police officer teared one girl's dress . She is Running without Dress . All the TV channels and Medias were focused on that girl .

Latter she attempted suicide . She dead without Dress in Chennai city central .

Our Government is not ready to give "Drug free society " . If we ask means they will do like this .

Girls like our Mother and Sisters . If anybody knows value of the Mother they will not do like this police officer .

In Jail :

Aryan came to the Jail to visit Darshan .

Aryan -- My Guard only teared that girl's dress .

He is not police officer . He is Aryan's Guard . He dressed like a police officer .

Darshan -- Hey 😡 .

Aryan -- Darshan ! you can't able to change anything in India . Because Indians are stupids .

Darshan -- You Born in India then you are also an Indian .

Aryan -- Ha Ha Ha ! But I changed as a American . see I dressed like an American .

Darshan -- Hey 😡 .
Aryan -- Are you angry . very good .

Darshan -- Hey 😡 .
Aryan -- Hey 😡 . Police officer ! .

Police officer -- Yes . Sir .
Aryan -- Release him .
Police officer -- Ok sir .

In Chennai city central :

That girl's dead Body is without Dress .

Darshan came .

Darshan -- 😭😭 . He don't know to Respect girls also . They are like our god . Daily we are praying a Girl god only that is our Mother .

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 .


Night 9:00PM .

In Chief minister's house :

Chief minister -- who are you ? .
Darshan -- Heaven .
Chief minister -- Hey No! .

Darshan killed Chief minister .

Darshan -- Good bye ! chief minister sir .

NIGHT 11:00PM .

Darshan's next plan is to kill Aryan .

Aryan is staying in one Large hotel .
And he protected by 1000 Guards .

Darshan first planed to kill Jhon .

SUCESSFULLY he killed Jhon 🗡 .

In Aryan's Room :

Darshan -- Aryan take deep breathe .
Aryan -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .
Darshan -- 😡 .
Aryan --😡 .

Now fight between Darshan🔥 and Aryan 🔥 .

Darshan has Gun in his hand 🔫 .

Aryan -- Don't shoot . If you kill me means this Business will not stop .

Darshan -- What ? .

Aryan -- there is a Big network behind this . The network called

Darshan -- Who are they ? .

Aryan -- they are very close to you . You can't able to kill them . The reason is you can't able to control your Emotions .

Darshan -- What ? 😡 .
Aryan -- Yes My dear brother .
Darshan -- tel who is he ? .
Aryan -- He is very close to you .
Darshan -- tel his Name ! .

Aryan -- No brother I can't . Now you can shoot me . But one thing He will kill you . Now you can shoot me ! .

Darshan shooted Aryan 🔫 . And Aryan also dead .

Darshan -- Let him come brother. I will see him 😡 .

...Will be continued ......

coming soon ......

written by

Indian writer


I think this story will bring "Drug free society " . Many of the children are using Drugs . In north India 15years boy using Drugs and he killed his parents .

In our society Womens are not treated Respect and equal . In our generation we should protect girls .

see all the girls like your Mother and Sister .

For "Drug free society" do share this story for all . Let's Join our hands and let's bring "Drug free society " .

Till then wait for part two .

If you like the story comment it 👇 .

Thank you for your lovable support ♥️ .

© Indian writer Darshan