

The beauty of time

The beauty of time at that precise moment early in the morning the very first beam of light pierces over the dark horizon the woods and everything comes alive with little rabbits and squirrels just waking up from the warmth of the sun a little later many beautiful birds purse on their branches at night they could feel the warmth of the sun touches their little eyes and the light enters softly into their eyes and they open their eyes gently from sleep the first sound of the beautiful little birds song come forth from their awakening the song can be heard through gentle hills and valleys of green the song flowing over brooks and streams musical notes of the song softly touchdown in the water causing little ripples and tickles brooks and streams with laughter the beauty of flowers hear the lovingness of the song the wind joints in with a light breeze and the flowers begin to sway and dance as the wind and the flowers intertwine in beautiful and with unity it's a beauty of time for a moment Psalms 145:16 Thou openest thine hand, and satisfies the desire of every living thing.
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