

The Second Encounter
I awoke in this strange place again except this time I'm alone or so I thought.

"Good to see you again."

The voice echoed in my mind with the force of a hammer slammed against my temple. Falling to my knees I looked around yet still could not see anything not even the ever shift form he displayed before. I began to panic.

"Calm yourself, for why would I destroy my creator, we are one in the same after all."

I stood quickly, feeling both my heart and breath quicken. How could this impossible being be me. Turning quickly I saw him standing there, wearing my face, with the same grin, never reaching his eyes. We stood there staring at each other for a time a distance no further than twenty paces between us. Straightening my stance and calming myself I observed him and he stared straight back.

"What are you."

The question came from my mouth as a statement more than a question. I felt no understanding of this experience but more an instinct, an intrinsic sense of both fear and connection.

"I am you, and yet different."

His answer gave me no comfort and I felt no compassion from him as if he were a manifestation of my humanity. There was a coldness emanating from him a sense of something monstrous which camouflaged itself using my visage.

"How so?"

"I am what makes you strong, and what makes you weak, I am man and monster, creator and created, and the best part..."

His eyes gleamed with amusement as his grin widened in to a full grin.

"...I, am in control."

I felt the ground beneath my feet shatter, and as quickly as I could I grabbed the side of what was sure to be an endless fall. The sound of his footsteps echoed throughout the vast space as he approached my enparalled position until he stood directly over me.

"What are you talking about, I never made you."

I said looking up at him as calmly as I could manage though I felt the fear rising again. He looked down into my eyes cold eyes staring through me again. I understood. I finally understood, and it was too late. This thing, born from me, had surpassed me in every way.

"I am your worst being, I am every spiteful thought, every grudge, every slight, every surrender, every ounce of cruelty in your blood, the very abyss of your soul mad manifest and now..."

He slammed his boot down onto my head casting me down into the void below.

"...I will consume you whole."

Eyes opened slowly blinking themselves awake. Stretching and feeling out the new body and looking into the mirror a smile spread across the face. Looking deep into the reflection, he smiled, lightly chuckling, and said one final thing.

"Have fun in there."
© With clipped wings