

Weird Dreams
Do you get these weird dreams or is it just me?. The one am now yet to write is one of those.
Evening rolled out quickly, and just as i was yet to fill my ginormous elephant sized tummy, i hear a honk.
pepeeeeee....(u get that*wink*)
I took a glance at the clock which now displays is to strike 5.
Uh. the milkman.
I call out my sister, because comeon that's the way world is,accept it. Anyway, after several throat screeching screams not even her hair was to be seen.

Ugh. Fine. I'll do it.

With a dramatic kick to the ground, i let my grumpy a**outside. But when i was to give the jar to fill the milk, i looked at the milkman.

Holy shit. Double shit. Triple shit.

There stood a man with a shiny honey blond hair with white shirt, its first two buttons undone giving a glimpse of his muscled body. And and and, you know who was that??
I gasped. Ji-jimin? infront of my freaking house!!!!!!!
All doubled when he shoot me his hundred watt smile.
And when i was about to make sure it was him,
"Wake up!!!", came a loud ear bleeding voice.
Ofcourse it always turns into such dreams, which will never happen. That me meeting Jimin, jimin being a milkma-ok I'll stop it there.
haha. ik its cringy. lol