

How Love Blossomed (Part 2)

Swapnanil and I became friends after that day. He is a real easy going person. He never judges me, He always smilingly accepts my silly requests, he makes me feel like 'something' even though I'm 'nothing'. And I became greedy, wanting something more.
But he is a guy with higher grades, good looking face, and belongs from a wealthy family. Too many differences between us. But he is not arrogant at all. He is kind to everyone, He helps everyone with that polite smile so it didn't took too much time for him to get along with everyone. Now, He is the famous guy of college. Every girls has eyes on him, every teacher sings his praise. So the more I try to get close to him, I feel like I am becoming a burden to him. Whenever someone approaches him I move away from him. Cuz if anything, I don't want to be a dead weight for him.
Just like any another day I was chating with swapnanil, my only friend in college. when a group of girl approached us or more like approached him. And as he gazed his attention on them I sneaked out of there. Other than swapnanil I don't like being around anyone, I don't like those judging eyes. So I Rushed toward my favorite spot, that dark corner of that dead quite library. Other than this old library filled with rusty books, my sketchs, and swapnanil, there's nothing that gives me comfort, nowadays. I just sat in that dark corner and started rubbing my pencil into my sketchpad.., I was totally lost in my zone when I heard a heavy noise. I came back to realization and looked at what I was drawing. It's him... I've drawn swapnanil without realizing. Then again I heard that sound, it's a sound of footsteps, as the footsteps started coming closer I got more terrified I crouched myself hiding my face inside my knees.
"Who is this? No one ever comes to this library,why are they coming here? What do they want from me?" Terrified thoughts filled my head.
Then I felt a presence in front of me I could've buried myself in there but I felt a gentle hand patting my head, with a soothing Voice that person said "Akankha, what's up?"
I looked up and saw swapnanil. I jumped up almost falling over him. I felt relieved to see him. While standing up I said "n-nothing, nothing."
He looked confusingly at me then with his mesmerizing voice he told me "let me take you somewhere."
He tugged my hand and pulled me out of the library, "this gloomy place doesn't suit you, let me take you somewhere brighter." he said chuckling at me.
As if my heart has became his slave , as if I could go to hell if he wants me to. But he is probably too kind to take me to hell so he took me to to the college rooftop. No one's there, just him and me. Gentle sunshine, pleasant breeze and his presence,
everything feels so unrealistic. My heart tingled as a voice growled from my inside saying "I love this, I love him."
He let go of my hand and stepped ahead. The moment our hands separated I realized the distance between us. He is far too ahead of me. But I stepped toward him knowing the difficulties and differences between us. Cuz I'm ready to cross any road, to pay any price just to be with him.

Continued in next part...
© Night owl