

A World In A World
I just remembered this story a couple minutes ago
Hi my name is Yasier and I have a lot of time with my family mostly on vacation. This is my story of when we are riding a boat to another world. We were riding a boat to an vacation island. I was sick that time I threw up many time. I was starving to death. I ated a lot. And threw up a lot. Lol. We were sailing until the boat stopped on purpose. We swimmed for a long time. I swam not to far from the boat but yeah oh!! Its not a boat it's a yacht. I swim not to deep but I saw something weird. I saw like a piece of a building that looks like a portal. Here's the scary part there is like a unbelievably big creature hand that was like cutted off from its body. I was scared so I swam back to the boat. For the next 2 hour I looked at the deep sea and looked at something I don't want to see. A crashed airplane but its shiny for some reason. The sea wasn't so deep. It was deep to 4 years old. I was 12 years old that time. I said the boat to stop. I swam to the crashed airplane something feels weird. I started to freeze in the water can't move at all!. I was drowning and can't barely move. And the, there was a fog coming fast towards me. The fog was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thick I can't see what on the other side and then the fog reach me. I saw a lot of thing that I don't want to see. Like a spirit screaming of HELP HELP HELP ME. Two red dots came near me and I saw this humongous giant beast it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big!!! It has a head of an octopus the body of a human with sharp thinh on the knees and elbow. The back to it got wings. It makes a weird sound and then reach out it hands to get me. I was paralysed. I felt my brother tapping me. He took me back to the boat. I didn't say anything. I was eating chips and drinking soda. I said I need to go to the toilet. The toilet is back at the boat so I did go to the toilet but for some reason the put a window. So I looked at the window and saw a city on top of the water. I got back to the front boat which is where me my dad my brother my niece and my dad's friend is. I was about to warn them about what I saw but then I gasp. A Thick fog was coming towards the boat. It reach to us. I was scared to death then the humongous thing shows itself again. A big wave came towards us. The wave is so big u can call it a mega tsunami. And then we entered a city and a place of another world. We were really scared. There were spirits in the water. They said in a weird voice,You are trapped here once u came upon the humongous monster u are cursed by it. The first glare u see it u are already dead. I sat there clueless. I was like L that time. My mind:. Wait of I was dead how can my brother tapping my shoulder. Has he seen this creature before or maybe he was dead of something else maybe my family was murdered and this is a dead trip for the dead!!! Or maybe I'm the only one who has survived the glare of the monster or wait! Maybe he was keeping for something else. But that was weird. Why were the airplane in the ocean even though it supposed to be in the air. The creature was down in the water but wait..... Thw moment I glare at him he was crouching. Maybe that time he stand and then the airplane pilot glared at him. But wait...It must've made a lot of them drown so I should seen the dead bodies or their skeleton. But maybe he's glare turn everyone to ashes. But wait.... The passenger wouldn't see whats in front of the plane cause that's only for the pilot. Or maybe it glared from behind and turn everyone to ashes but the pilot won't affected by the glare cause he's at the front. Yep my minds going crazy. My brother gulped. He fell down and then tears were coming out of his eyes and he said. I'm gonna die. I turn my hands to a fist. Rage flowing against my body. And then the humongous creature came out of an old castle that sinked. He destroys it to reach to us. The red dots again. This time I make a eye contact with him. Rage still flowing against my body. This time i can move like it didn't affect me then I saw someone with a oksigen tank came and make and eye
Contact with him too! Hes glare had intension of murder!!! I gave the creature an eye contact too. The monster seems to be afraid. It came running as fast as he can to me. The guy jumped on my boat and said. Fuck of! Then the monster stopped he was saying an enchantment word. And then a giant portal sucked the creature in. It tried to put his hand out of the portal to kill the guy. That guy turn his hand into fist which closed the portal and then slams it into the deep ocean. I looked at the deep ocean. I realised that its the portal from earlier with the creature hand cutted from its body. He take of this oksigen tank put a big light with some enchantment word. My other family passed out. The guy said to me. Don't let your family remember this. And then before I could ask him his name he disappeared and turn into a water drop. After that, I hated swimming in the deep sea. I gave my family an excuse cause I was afraid of shark. But the true is I'm afraid of that monster.

Hey guys its me Yasier thank you for listening/reading my story
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* A world in a world by Yasier *