

The Dancing man
I finally finished my afternoon shift, the time was 6 O'clock which was normal for me, Since I completed the shift I began to get ready to go home and sleep. I handed off the key to my co-worker, who was starting his night shift. He was a cheerful and laid back guy who was kinda to anyone.

I worked at all star bookstore. Working here helped me to pay off my student loans and to be independent of my parents. I was 22 so I had to start now or I would forever be a parasite to my parents. Next day after work I began the journey back home, on the way I saw a man in a suit and tie. He was dancing, his dancing was bizarre. He wiggled his body like a snake being stabbed. Sorry if I'm a bit dramatic but yeah. the street lights were on so I had a form of light guiding me home. Unexpectedly, my phone started ringing, it was my mom calling. She was checking up on me and saying hi. It was nice to hear from her.

The day after, I continued with the schedule which was to wake up for my morning lessons that I had to attend from the college that I was in, followed by the part-time job I had, the "cashier", basically that was my life in a nutshell. Proceeding to go home after work, I ran into the man, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. He seemed to be dancing, although it was not the same as yesterday's dance ; is time he took big steps forward and kicked, turned back, took big steps forward and kicked. He was doing this while having a certain rhythm to his movements . In my mind I thought it was some kind of a exercise, sure it was weird but there must be a reason for his strange behavior, right?
There on the other side of the road he continued with with his abnormal "boogying"
I saw what I needed to see and reverted home from there.

In the conclusion of the first shift, before I thought of going back to my apartment. I asked my co-worker curiously "hey, did you witness anyone behaving really... Strange, this previous two days while coming to work ?"
"Not really, why? " aroused.
I reluctantly said," nah it's probably nothing, Forget about it."
Like how he grew curious, he quickly stopped asking.
Walking home, I didn't see "him". Now expecting it to be a daily thing, I was left a little Apprehensive, but I let it cross my mind, rationalizing that the man must have been at work as he seemed to be a employee of a particular company or a fragment of my imagination.
Progressing towards home, my little sister called to notify me that tomorrow it will be our mother's birthday. That has slipped out of my mind. My sister, oly planned a surprise birthday. She wanted to know if I could come and celebrate with them since mom really miss me so that would put a smile on her face. The call ended after saying our goodbyes, I checked my schedule for tomorrow, and found out that I was free on this coming Saturday, I let out a big "yeah!" as a sign of excitement. Putting my phone away in my pocket, I froze in place. The man was back and even closer to my face as ever. I could make out his features more clearly now. He was definitely a man in his thirties, with a darker skin tone and had black hair. Startled I almost fell. He began waving his arms around I on the other hand I didn't know what to do. (Should I ask him what's he doing? this was really... Strange.) the man in the suit and tie started gesturing to follow him. I resisted but he didn't give up, but eventually surrendered and walked away. As he was doing so I notice something bright at the corner of my left eye. The light began to illuminate the surroundings, and also a sound could be heard animating from the light. In that spark of time I realized what was coming towards the man. I rush in, in order to save the endangered man from his impending doom. It was too late, there in the middle of the road I closed my eyes and waited for the collision. As I was waiting for the car to hit me, that time line seemed to have delayed itself. I opened my eyes inspect was had happened But didn't find the vehicle anyway other than the man, who was standing. I stood up, now I felt uneasy about what had happened. The man laughed, seeing the terror in my eyes he walked up to me while I was backing away. He halted, asked. "Do you like to Dance?" He held my hands really tightly and began to force me to dance. As this continued, he suddenly started turning his head to a 360°angle: by that time as he turned 90° I could hear something but it was very faint, by 180° I was panicking and was trying to break free out of his hold while on the other hand the sound was rapidly increasing louder and louder, at 270° I broke down, I had a river made out of tears running down on my face. I was pathetic... In a glimmer of hope I managed break free and because of the resistance force I was pulled back, just enough for the car to swerve around me.

The people stopped their car and asked if I was alright. I assured them i was okay. even though I didn't request them to do this, they did it anyway. They offered me a lift home, since I was uneasy adventuring all the way back home alone, I reluctantly accepted their request. Going to the car I saw the man not far away from the car. I asked my fellow companions, "do you see that man who is standing near your car?"
They looked confused like I was talking nonsense
and said no, they don't.
After that we went to the car and the two couple dropped me off at my place.

Even though I arrived home safely I'm very traumatized by what I experienced. Now, every time I encounter him I try to ignore the Dancing Man.

©. meguel k. date of publish, October 5, 2023