

International Business Transformation


Proposed IB venture in a country of choice.
An analysis of the country including relevant demographic, physical and economic characteristics.
Discussion of the cultural issues that are likely to affect your successful International Business entry into the market/country
Analysis of the political, economic and other associated with attempting to enter this market.
Recommendations as how to minimize these risks and to turn risks and threats to your advantage.

The rationale and evidence of the proposed strategy for this firm to enter (or expand its market share in) with your industry of choice in the selected country.


I have studies Hospitality Management and completed my Masters of Business Administration with the “Asian e University”; the choice of interest which I have for this Thesis is more on promoting “Pulau Perhentian” at Kuala Besut Terengganu, where the serenity of life extravagant one of our beautiful Malaysian island, deep blue ocean, clear water for snorkelling and scuba diving is to be discovered by many.


My aim is to promote tourism at Pulau Perhentian, Kuala Besut Terengganu to the people in Wales where I have experience working and studying there during my youth time. I have discovered that Wales is a city of homecoming, hospitable place for anyone to visit and to pleasure the diversification of interest such as Sports, Restaurant, Pubs, Culture, Tourism and Travelling.

To compare the Malaysian and Cardiff is almost similar to what we have such as our hills, mountain and island in Barry Island at Vale of Glamorgan in Cardiff which we share in common. Indeed Malaysia has 2 weather which is “Summer” and “Monsoon” where else in the United Kingdom there are 4 weather which are “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter” and “Spring”.

Since the UK has withdrawn from the “European Union”, the most places they visit in Asia is in Malaysia where they enjoy the sunlight all year round till Month of October till February is the Monsoon time in the east coast Islands of Malaysia.

Opening a Business Venture in Wales for the purpose of promoting Pulau Perhentian Island is one of the biggest challenges to overcome with different aspects of political views and economic growth. Liaising with the city council to get approval will be the biggest support for tourism where sharing information of Malaysian travelling advice would be a gainer for my business.

The location which I have chosen for my Business Venture is in the heart of Cardiff City Centre where most of the business travel services, tour agents and linking pin to all states derive from Cardiff.

Venturing Procedure:

In venturing a Business from Malaysia into Cardiff, a company needs to be set up where a partnership with a local Travel Agent is advisable to mitigate the chances of disapproval of a company. This will be called as a “JV” (Joint Venture) with the local Travel Agencies which are pioneers in Cardiff. Once a Partnership has been forged, an understanding to explain on the travelling guide about Malaysia such as getting all local Hotels, Motels, Inn and Home stay which are available in Pulau Perhentian, Kuala Besut.

Working with the Malaysian Tourism to gain support in promoting Malaysia with Grants would be very useful, in such promoting Malaysia with other locations is an added advantage.

The Joint Venture agreement which has been made should be shared with the Malaysian Tourism and should be passed through with your personal lawyers to protect important information by both states.

Promoting an oasis escape to Malaysia Pulau Perhentian needs the full support of the local government, City Council and Police authorities of Pulau Perhentian in Terengganu. Promoting the island is easy, hence to get the support from all authorities will be challenges such as travelling Visa, Flight & Ticketing, Availability of Booking and the support from all Hotels, Motels, Inn and Home stay which are available from Pulau Perhentian.

Hence getting contact with the local Jetty at Kuala Besut is essential because of their tourist charges for protecting the Sea wildlife and sea turtles which are different to local charges. There is also a ticket ferry with various operators, one which I feel comfortable with is a company known as “PerhentianTrans”, the owner's name is known as “Abg, Zahar.

Secondly, getting the support Of “Malaysian Airline” and “Airasia” would be a great challenge where in promoting our home country and bringing visitors from the United Kingdom will be an added advantage to get good pricing from the airline industry.

Nevertheless, getting support from local tour agents in Malaysia will be an impeccable decision to be made, Tour buses would be made available from the airport and this will give an easier travelling sense and security to the travellers from the UK.

Branding will be an image which we create by getting qualitative and quantitative feedback from our clients, they decide on our branding and they determine by the quality and how comfortable they feel while travelling.

Advertisement can strongly be delivered with the full support of all of our supporting business clients such as Malaysian Tourism, Local Councils of Malaysia and also not forgetting the “UK” government.


A proper marketing is to be done by adversely understanding your demographic area and the strict concept of the 4P’s which are Product, Price, Promotion and Place. This is the matter of principle which customers look at for a simple holiday’s trip.

By coordinating the 4P’s concept and carefully brainstorming a practical travel plan with the various hotel agencies and flight agents, surely a structure plan will suffice and a new branding image will be created.

Sometimes, is not only the pricing matters, customers would like to see pictures of the hotels, excursion trips pictures and activities which has been done, hotels which they will be staying and most important of all is their food diets, if they wish to try local delicacies then is a worthwhile travel to be considered. Understanding the exchange of FOREX currency is important, pricing it appropriately will be a huge benefit to others.

There are several marketing approaches but the one which I much consider using is the 4P’s which is PRODUCT, PRICE, PLACE and PROMOTION. These are the standard guidelines which have been used by many business ventures and apart from this, there are several more which lead to the 7P’s.


We have to identify the product and ensure to summarise a detailed result of the product. Products play a vital role in advertising itself and promoting it.

A product is not only a package brand, but it is a legacy yet to be fulfilled, it has to be a necessity and a demand striving to be sold to whoever has the money to purchase that product.

An aggressive yet calm product which eventually wins the heart of all customers.


In any product, pricing plays a vital role, if we under quote a price, it will reflect a negative profit in our business and affect our branding. Branding is vital in ensuring the product is worthwhile and strong.

Price should include in all effects of the cost and consultation fees, a profit needs to be relevant which will define the brand of our product and price. A benchmark has to be placed in the company product which we are selling.

Pricing is an extract of the product itself and this reflects a lot of the services which we are giving. We cannot give an overpriced product, this will affect the sales volume of the product.


The place where we will be marketing our product, an office will be required to be based to market this product and to set a price. This will relate to all the 4P’s, this is a guide on how we make the business happen. The word PLACE plays a huge role in the business which we will be doing, it defines the product, location and buyers volume.

In this area of location, it should be in strategies location such as a Business location area or Hyper marts.


Once we have custom made the products price and location to market it, the end game will be the promotion. How do we promote a product to our market and ensure the product runs smoothly and to generate sales volume.

A promotion is a rhythm market where an exciting discount offers venture together with the product, this kind of promotion can be done during winter and low peak holidays in an Asian Country.

We have to understand that during many winters, lots of travelers travel to Asia for warm weather, a warm breeze and to enjoy nature.

The promotion needs to be generated by both Joint Venture companies to work together in an understanding to sell their product fast and to generate income for both companies.

In understanding, a joint venture actually brings hope to both companies and helps to achieve the target audience into perspectives.



Choosing a name for a Joint Venture company is a long-term planning process which resolves a large decision making plan. What we need is a name to encapsulate, to be mesmerised letters or words, precisely what will you be selling or offering, in layman’s term “Introduce the product”. Time to build your company will take many years to boost your company name up in the consciousness of your customers.

The most corrective action to be taken into consideration will be a Joint Venture, according to the Law in the UK, appointing a solicitor to open a company and a bank account will be very expensive if you are from Malaysia wanting to open a company, large investments needed to be channel and check thru either is the money which you are investing legal or not.

This is a few range of rules you will need to bear in mind, and your solicitor can help you. You are also encouraged to get free advice on business names from Companies House. (ukparkerrandallcom)


A trademark identifies your product specifically in the eyes of the public, and when it is registered, is protected by law, giving you the right to take action against anyone else using it. Similar rules apply to copyrights and patents which exist to protect the fruits of your hard work harvesting against rival businesses and others using them without your permission.


Business insurance is a huge necessity, and a major priority for the business which we are creating for the future. There are some insurances that the law demands we must have, and others which you should take out as a personal matter and believe in your own protection.


Putting your business expenses down against your gross profit actually helps to reduce the amount of tax you will have to pay. That is why keeping accurate records is so very vital for your company to avoid getting high taxation. A professional advice from a chartered accountant will ensure that your tax obligations are met. Also, the Inland Revenue can deal with your queries directly.

The issue of VAT usually sends shivers down the spines of most small businesses but this is a very important aspect to every business transaction. In effect, you are actually acting as tax collector on behalf of the Government, collecting indirect taxes on goods bought from you and passing the money on to Customs and Excise. The main thing to remember about VAT is to keep accurate records at all times.

An analysis of the country including relevant demographic, physical and economic characteristics.

The name “Perhentian” is defined as a “stopping point” in Malay a local dialect in Malaysia, referring to their longstanding role as a waypoint for traders between Bangkok and Malaysia. The islands were sparsely inhabited by fishermen for centuries, although tourism now accounts for most economic activity which cater to the local public and to the international market.

The Perhentian Islands appear on many maps of the nineteenth and twentieth century as “The Station Islands”. This arises from the British colonial period, as an English translation from the Malay “point to stop”. The Perhentian Islands were also used as a refuge in the late 1900’s. Perhentian Island also has a very beautiful beach called “Pasir Panjang” which translates to English as (Long Beach). It is located at Perhentian Kecil (Small Perhentian). It is a very beautiful white sandy beach, crystal clear water and it is the best place for a picnic.

My proposal is to choose the country and topic which interest me and have inspired me in many aspects of life, where I have shared 5 years of my life studying and understanding their cultural background, economic and political gain of the country which I have shared in common.

The country which I have selected will be the United Kingdom, a state called Cardiff, Wales; where I have studied Hospitality Management at “Barry College University” at “Vale of Glamorgan” Cardiff. During my time of education in the Year 2001 till Year 2005, I have worked and understood the culture which Cardiff loved and enjoyed, practically they love Holidays and Travel.

Welsh is known as a Celtic tribe, who first settled in the area that is now known as Wales which has already begun to identify themselves as a distinct culture by the sixth century C.E. The word "Cymry," referring to the country, first appeared in a poem dating back from 633. By 700 C.E., (everyculturecom)

The words “Wales” and “Welsh” are known as the Saxon in origin and were also used by the invading Germanic tribe to denote people who spoke a different language. The Welsh sense of identity has endured despite invasions, absorption into Great Britain, mass immigration, in most recently.

Wales is a Celtic country by origin and they have their own Celtic Language and Alphabets, The Welsh are known to be very friendly, adjustable and acceptable to outsiders, known for their very hospitable charms. There are 3 Celtic races which connect from Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

In Wales, they do enjoy their sport games such as Rugby and soccer which has a similarity to Malaysia as well.

In order to market this magnificent island, a proper brain mapping needs to be organised and designed. The main product has to be highlighted with pictures, colours, view of the island, drone video presentation flying over the island, getting different feedback from different partners of the hotel and home stays.

The main criteria is to get a product which gives a facelift, people in wales enjoy travelling Asia, creating a great package is the fundamental of good sales & marketing hence, allows the product to sell itself. Creating the product to sell itself will be a challenge to re-design its advertisement which can be done with independent companies, grants can be offered to cinematography students to assist in developing new brilliant videos and pictures.


Wales, is a part of the United Kingdom and it is located in the area of the wide peninsula in the western part of the island of Great Britain. The island of Anglesey is also considered a part of Wales and is separated from the mainland by the Menai Strait. Wales is surrounded by water on three sides which is the Irish Sea, the Bristol Channel and the Saint George's Channel. (everyculturecom)

The location to have a Joint venture in the City of wales will play a brilliant role in getting the awareness of many people. Many Travelling companies are willing to Joint Venture with Asian Travel Company to promote and package a travelling destination.


The latest surveys which I have gathered from (everyculture.com) place the population of Wales at 2,921,000 with a large density of approximately 364 people per square mile (141 per square kilometres). Almost three-quarters of the Welsh population reside in the mining centres of the south. The popularity of Wales as a vacation destination and weekend retreat, especially near the border with England, has created a new, no permanent population.


Politics in Wales forms a very distinctive polity in the broad spectrum of politics of the United Kingdom, with Wales as one of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom.

Constitutionally, the United Kingdom is de jure a unitary state with one sovereign parliament and government. However, under a system of devolution or home rule adopted in the late 1990s three of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, voted for limited self-government, subject to the ability of the UK Parliament in Westminster, nominally at will, to amend, change, broaden or abolish the national governmental systems. As such the National Assembly for Wales (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru) is not de jure sovereign. (googlepoliticsofwalescom)

The eexecutive power in the United Kingdom is vested in the “Queen-in-Council”, while the legislative power is also been vested in the “Queen-in-Parliament” (the Crown and the Parliament of the United Kingdom at Westminster in London). The Government of Wales Act 1998 established devolution in Wales, and certain executive and legislative powers have been constitutionally delegated to the National Assembly for Wales. The scope of these powers was further widened by the Government of Wales Act 2006. (googlepoliticsofwales)


In the centre of Welsh culture, is the centuries old folk tradition of poetry and music which has helped keep the Welsh language alive. Welsh intellectuals in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries wrote extensively on the subject of Welsh culture, promoting the language as the key to preserving national identity of their heritage. Welsh is known to love history which holds precious history, getting the feeling of history is a part of joy for the Welsh.

Central to this identity and a source of national pride, is rugby, which is deeply embedded in the national consciousness and explored in ‘Rugby and welsh identity’. Away from the sports pitch, this collection also looks at place and belonging, gender and race, nationalism and language, class, work, and political and cultural representation in Wales.

Travelling plays a huge role for the welsh culture, a sense of belonging where exploring different regions and witnessing different local sports being played. An awareness which is a default, a necessity to see historical relics.

Dr. Sharmadas Senasi (MBA) (PJK) (DBA)
Upcoming Author for Tonality of Communication for the Hospitality Industry
Doctorate of Business Administration
(International Business School of Scandinavia)
BTEc Nat. Cert Hospitality Management- Wales (UK)
European Cuisine - Wales (UK)
MBA- Asian E University Malaysia

© DrSharmadas

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