

Lively Oracle
As you don't value the worth of your words, Satan value those words, and take advantage of it at Jurgdement
to wage war against the children of Adam, the same tactics he used in the garden, so if you don't value the gold in your hand, the merchandise is ready to trickishly trade it for a " big but shining looking clay" , if we don't value the glory God place on us, satan will trade it with vanity....." Scripture says Hold firmly that which thou hast, that no man taketh thine crown...so there is possibility of "snatching your crown" if you allow the adversely. when God said to the sons of Adam," you are god"" He is not playing with words, He meant what He said, but we need to grow in knowledge of God called" CHRIST in you, " the enemy knows our weak point, the knowledge and understanding of our identity in Christ. as far as you don't seek after the knowledge that it's only Holy Ghost can give, you are not a threat to him, but the day you begin to seek after knowledge, war begins.. Imagine God created man and place in the hands of man the power of life and death, yet man still live in perpetual slavery in the field of ignorant, under the task force of the merchandise, who had traded his destiny for vanity. Though the Father of Mercy sacrifice His Son and buy back the glory, yet man Love the chain that band them rather than the liberty the Spirit of Light Has brought them, it takes changes that only knowledge of God will give, through Christ Jesus, , by the power of the age to come.