

Why do we as humans become obsessed?
Is it because our hearts want what they can't get.
Every day it gets more and more intense.
We want to let go, but the foundation of our
Beautiful beating hearts just won't let it go.
Especially when the world says your ugly.
After a while, you begin to believe it.
And so your heart wants them more.
You may say there's nothing wrong with you.
And the truth is there isn't because God doesn't make mistakes. And so knowing
That we can't always have what we want.
You never know who may feel the same way about you. And with all the fakeness going on. The ability to give anyone a chance is.
Very very tight. Because we who are loyal.
Are very few. Not to mention we are not like them. But we still have our baggage to
Carry. But will get through it and who knows.
Maybe when we are ready for a commitment.
We might even get what we desire. Because
Without god. Nothing is possible. I love myself and you all should too. Even if we never get what we want. Because sometimes.
It's better than getting what we want and regretting it later😜
© santanna jones