

The Cursed Friends Chapter 13
Lilian moved through the forest with a black cloak on.
"Come on, come on" she began saying repeatedly while going into a cave, she suddenly stopped when she began hearing child-like laughter.
"You can come out you know" She chuckled looking at a spot in the cave
"I'd prefer not to, this forest is full of secrets" the voice cooed.
"I guess you're right" Lilian muttered beginning to look around
"Anyways I did what you want and waited a whole year, now give me the necklace back" she continued looking straight into the darkness while holding her hand out, waiting for the response
"I completed my end of the deal now do your part" Lilian sneered.
"Let me think about it. Nope" The child voice laughed, Lilian's eyes lit up with anger.
"It was a deal though!" She yelled
"Well I can't have you trying to bring them back now that you know how to use magic so no" the voice squeaked and then completely disappeared. Lilian kicked a rock out of anger and walked out of the cave in defeat.
© Eli×