

Is he real? ! Real Story!
I was staying at the room 313 at the Norwood hotel in Winnipeg Canada i stayed at the hotel back in 2008 alone while attending a covention my first night in room 313 around 2 am i wake up completely paralyzed in absolute horror i watched as a man with a sinister grin stare at me from the darkness peeking around the corner leading to the bathroom i pass out i dont wake up until hours later when i woke up i immediately vomit i call my boyfriend who tries to call me down he suggests that i was experiencing a terrifing incident of sleep paralysis but the next night isnt even better i have a nightmare where i see a man floating outside my window on fire i wake up to my ringing phone its my boyfriend hes in near hysterics he tells me he had a very vivid dream about a man who broke into my room and did horrible things to me i immediately get up and leave the hotel i return the next morning to get my things and find the window wide open and all my things had been messed with i call my boyfriend and he claims that he has no recollection of ever having called me the night before the experience is a complete mystery not only that the Norwood hotel has never had any history reports of supernatural activity i called the paranormy's team Jordan and Johny they head out to investigate the room i stayed in room 313 to see if they can find any evidence of any paranormal at first nothing really happens and they actaually begin to wonder if my story was just sleep paralysis after all but then the teams equipment begins to act very strange especially around Jordan in the video you can see that the camera wont focus on Jordan at all when one of the boys said they think it was sleep paralysis the spirit box seems to answer " Wrong" and then the camera suddenly wont focus on Jordan when johny uses a sls camera he begain experiences a very odd malfunction the camera does not register Jordan at all even creepier the team brought a motion activated doll with them they placed it in the bathroom and it too was begins to malfunction the doll wont go off in the video you can see them both walk around in front of the doll waving there hands in front of it and it dose not seem to respond to the movement at all they move it around and still nothing they even had just changed the batteries so theres no way it could be dead in other videos the doll never shuts up and in this one it seems to have just stopped working and just like that out of nowhere the doll starts to work perfectly fine like nothing happended but the doll is still not making any noise like it normally does Jorden and Johny sit down on the beds and then they start to hear something weird in the video the men explain that it sounds like a tapping noise the spirit box out of nowhere says " Heavy" the boys explain the noise sounds like water hitting the floor over and over then a loud bang on the front door happens out of nowhere the boys go and check outside and no one is there the hallways are long and there empty not only did that happen when Jorden went to go check the tapping noise he passes a mirror and in the mirror he has no reflection even though earlier and also later in the video he passes the mirror and he has his relfection is very clear now everything that happens in the video it all seems to be only effecting Jorden for some reason almost like something sinister has attached itself to him as it did to me years earlier but it could be explain as just coincidental equipment failure and a very bizarre compression error but what happens next in the video is much harder to explain as the two men lay down for the night they set up a laser grid and turn on a motion activated rim pod and k2 meter they go to bed and leave the camera recording as they sleep at around 4:15 am the rim pod and k2 meter both go off waking the two guys what happens next in the video is down right chilling a shadow figure can be seen obstructing the laser grid and appears to be slwoly moving towards Jordan until it seems to be right on top of him it could be the haunting apparition of the man that i saw that night whatever it is the paranormy's team did not discover this terrifying figure until after they uploaded thier investiogation to youtube it was pointed out by viewers you can actaully watch the whole video on youtube channel Paranormies
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