

Alpha Princess Chapter one part 3
I totally lost my phone over the weekend, don't ask me how lol but we're here for the continue of the Alpha Princess please make sure to read part 1 &2 before continuing.

Princess L… wait lets just hold on to all those thoughts that are racing in our mind like you said let us go very slow. Here take all three (...)

Princess S… what’s that?

Princess L… two lemon and one lime. The two lemons represent light which is me and you and the lime make the light whole which is mother earth, balance, wholeness, oneness, universe, light and dark, un-conscience, and conciseness.

Princess S… well what do i do with it?

Princess L… keep it in a safe place, guard it with your heart if you choose to.

Princess S… well do i give you all three of mines? Here take

Princess L… no my child keeps two for yourself just give me one light and ill be fine.

Princess S… why one light dont you need all three to be whole?

Princess L... I am already whole. Your creation was the accomplishment of my wholeness. The only reason why i need one light is to see you when it's dark. You’re new to this earthly realm and innocent at that. You need all the road map you need to walk this path. I knew who you before birth, I pray for you, i created you i just didn’t know the time you’ll be here, but i already knew what you were. You don't know me so trust had to begin and that’s why I give you all of me.

Princess S… where do we start from, how do i get to know?

Princess L… with the time you’ll know all you need to know. We have to start from the beginning I have to fill you in. The way life is moving there a lot to cover in so little time.

Princess S… well you know i am watching, right?

Princess L… yes indeed! I know! that’s the reason why the pressure on me. Teaching is beautiful once you have been taught yourself. I absolutely don't know nothing or where to start. I think i know, but i don't and time is catching up. I mean look at the way life is no one is paying attention to the new generation we are luring you guys in the system instead of finding the way out. I know there a way i just don't know the way out yet.

Princess S...wow it same like there so much going on

Princess L… yes wise one there is..there’s a lot! There are lies, deceitfulness, cheat, trick going on but in that mix there is“Truth” we just have to figure out the lies from the truth. the mess is much and the cleaning is loaded. I don't know what to believe any more. It got me lost in sprite and i am on the walk of finding Truth because i know it's within.

Princess S… well here a lemon for you. Let's just start with my name and yours and my father.

Princess L… your right that is a great start. Meaning we have to start with the alphabet.

Princess S… the Alphabet?

Princess L… yeah the alphabet is the Letter in your name. Your whole name is made of 17/26 letters of the alphabet put together to create. Including repeated letters and if we add your nickname it'll be 20/26 letter we use to create your name and existence

Princess S… ohh!! So you create with the alphabet? Well There’s an Alpha where I came from but we don't Bet on it

Princess L… really? You don't bet on alpha? How is that?

Princess S… well i can’t tell you but i know that there an alpha in omega but not bet.

Princess L… well let's take the bet out and just learn the alpha for now and we can find the omega after… how does that sound?

Princess S… as long we start somewhere that’s all that matters. What does my name mean?

Princess L… creativity pad

Princess S… what?

Princess L… creativity pad opens it… let us create and learn together. I just had a rebirth and i need to start all over from the beginning.

To Be Continue!!!
© Lucy Luve