

The Email
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.

At first I thought it was a prank. I kind of still do but Lucas brought to my attention that that is actually how James, the dead friend, talks.

I found it so bizarre and avoided everyone after that. I felt like I was crazy, that I was getting played. I don't know if I am but this is one elaborate prank, if it is. But it takes a disgusting type of person to do this. And as I can't find any suspects, I'm starting to think it's really him.

They've chatted on multiple occasions now but only through email. Well, at least that's what Lucas said the last time we talked.

But I have a plan. I am going to break into Lucas's house and crack his password code. If anyone knows that code, it's probably me. He's my old best friend.

I walk out to my car and start driving over to his house. I pick the locks and get in. I can't find his laptop anywhere. "If I was him, where would i hide this", I started to think to myself.

I then knew where it was. It had to be in that safe he told me about in his room. He said that's where he stores stuff because it doesn't want his lady to find his 'homework' files.

So, I try cracking the code. The first code I tried was 8-24-94, his lady's birthday. And to my surprise it opened. I put the same code in for his laptop and it works. "Armature" I thought to myself.

I started emailing James and I asked him some stuff only him would know. He. Got. Them. All. Right. I almost pooped my pants. But he sends me one last email. I open it , but hesitated at first. The text reads "I'll be coming for you next...".

© MattTheOneAndOnly