

The Pitcher
The pitcher accommodated the right content,
The content comforts the thirsty,
Fills the hungry,
Eases the heavy heart,
But the pitcher polluted the content,
Presenting poison instead of purity.
It was actually a dirty pitcher.

It’s the end of the day's usual hustling and bustling. Every 8am to 6pm workers hang their tools to continue the next day. Adetola, a staff of Mike's Holdings Enterprise, also ease a sign of relief from the weight of day’s duty. She managed her left-over strength to the bus garage.
While others were rushing to enter commercial buses loading, Adetola moves in a slow pace, not minding the ticking clock.
“Can you please adjust?”
A casually dressed young lady called out softly to Adetola and two other passengers sitting on the same role with her in the bus. The lady was obviously not sitting comfortably, but unfortunately, the bus has been reconstructed by the owners to the discomfort of the passengers.
The middle age man beside Adetola, looked unconcerned. He had such an expression passing a message of disgust to the lady.

“I think there is no space for him to adjust ma,” Adetola, tries to calm the anger-fuming-lady.

“But at least he should simply say that, not acting like he does not hear,” said the lady.

“Sorry ma. Please don’t be offended,” she pacifies the lady further to avoid prolonged argument.
While the bus is in motion, passengers enjoyed a considerable level of quietness except for the noisy engine, car horn of other vehicles and noise from road-side sellers advertising their goods with loud speakers.

“Praise the Lord everybody.” The middle aged man sitting beside Adetola broke the silence to draw the attention of everyone in the bus including the young lady at the other side of Adetola.

“Can you imagine, he even want to preach Jesus.” The lady hummed to herself, while other passengers kept silent, paying the man in his coin.
He spent the best of his time preaching Jesus and the need for people to give their life to Him.
While Adetola was about to alight, the preacher was already feeling remorseful after having such a cold feedback from everyone in the bus.
The message of the gospel of Christ is correct, but unfortunately the Pitcher carrying the message was dirty and so people could not drink from it.

© Abidemi Afolabi
June, 2021 Fiction Series
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