

We were twins at heart when we started this journey to win.

I painted her name in my world, an artistic bright pink within.

She was my woman, with perfect blooming curves calling me home always, even as I was at war, saving my father's cove.

I fought through mighty wall, to bring her baby daffodils, a sign, professing my love.

Dazed at the sight, I watched her lean in, slitting her tongue for this perfect kiss.

As my knee failed me, she winked, and left me, pondering on the taste of her sharp, sweet red sword.

She walked me up to her world with her smiles, a type that can stop a naughty baby to cry.

Her legs were beautiful, it was as if she had never walked with it.

Her eyes, was a trap, and I wanted it to trap me alone forever.

She loved me. Still, I was insecure someone might steal this beautiful folklore.

How can I cage her soul? Wait, that will be a selfish goal!

But, how can I not? No! That will be the end of me.

A thought surface, a cold bloodshed. To cage my woman, I have to off all men.

I journeyed out, and smiled a lie — I hated it but, I had to try.

"I'm on a quest to build you our world, a place with no "MAN" in it except me, your Roy."

Naively, she smiled, and her smiles twinkled like the moon and stars, I got energized and gazed her thighs.

I left, planting a seed of lifetime breed, Incase I never return to my true love 'cause of my greed.

Mighty men scampered into hiding, but I drew them out and slay them all.

"No one must see the eyes of my woman!"

This was my call.

I roamed the world for decades, conquering the mighty men, till I stumbled on him — the Immortal

"I heard you're the conqueror, on a quest to killed all men, because of your woman?"

"Her lips intoxicate, no amount of water can quench the fire in her eyes." I told him, but he laughed.

"I am the Immortal, the last man on earth. Retreat or your head will roll to the feet of your woman."

I laughed at his childish words, till I felt my soul left my body.

Fear gripped me, as I watched the Immortal dragged my lifeless form to a familiar lair.

And there was her, my woman.

My spirit called her, but she didn't say a word to me.

"Mother, have slain our tormentor."

I heard the Immortal say, and I watched as my woman rose in solitude looking at my lifeless form.

Is this my seed? I ran to her, but she didn't see me, but screamed,

"This tormentor is your Father!"

Then she shone brightly on my face and whispered, "Wake up it is just a dream."

© E. Godsgift Joe