

The Ending
The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back.
Wailing swivels of angry wind reminded him of the dangers that now awaits him. Fear festered on his veins until it reached his heart.
Heart attacks were a usual for this old man, and today at this moment especially was no exception.
The area was vacated of any human form so it would be impossible for him to get rescued.
Slowly, slowly, his exposed knees touched the cracked cement floor and his chest hit right after sending his cheeks smashing into the floor.
Human cry was inevitable, but this time, he could not utter a word neither could he cry out in pain.
His mouth opened wide like a gaping fish.

"You fell right into my trap for it has been you I have been looking for."

A powerful voice echoed in the dark ancient area.
He could not envisage who it was since his body paralysed on the floor.

"You seem scared Timothy, tell me, why is that?"

He did not hear footsteps but a huge shadow braced on his figure.
To bat an eyelid now was a problem for Timothy.

"You forget me soon my old friend."
The stranger commented.

Timothy was beginning to recall the thick hoarse voice and dread filled his form upon realisation of who it was.

"I have been waiting for this day my dear Tim. I have been waiting for this day. For a long time too. But since you have already succeeded in placing yourself in this... situation, you unfortunately for you just made things very very easy my friend."

In a swift turn, the shadowed stranger laid his weight upon him and just like that, he was being crushed to death.
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