

Question Time
Detective Inspector Carter stood holding in his hand a plastic cup of lukewarm coffee while looking through a two-way mirror into the interview room. In there, sat a young woman and she was starring back at him. From her side of the mirror she would only have seen her own reflection, but she instinctly knew she was being watched.

DI Carter, sipped the brown liquid not once taking his eyes off her, he and his colleague had just brought in for questioning.

They got a call about an hour ago, the manager of the women's hostel had telephoned the police to report a mass disturbance on the premises.

The police were totally unprepared by what they saw upon arrival. In every room and hallway, were multiple victims all with terminal lacerations. An array of knives and hatchets lay scattered among the corpses upon the floor.

Just a single woman had survived. Her hair was long, black and matted. She was dressed in a equally long white nightgown and when the police arrived, she was found paddling in the victims blood. As the only witness to the crime, she was brought in for questioning.

The door to the observation room opened and in walked DI Chapman. Carter didn't look around, instead he remained fixed on their subject.

"She can see me!" he said. "Most people look at the mirror trying to workout where we are. But she is staring at me like the two-way doesn't exist."

Chapman stood beside his colleague. He watched as the woman's eyes darted his way.

"She knows I'm here too!"

Then, DI Chris Chapman threw a brown folder down on the desk. "She's got form."

"What for mass murder?" enquired Carter.

"No, for GBH at Rampton Secure Hospital."

"Grievous Bodily Harm?"

"Well, that's what they charged her with, although it was never proven."

DI Carter saw there was an envelope in the folder marked 'Eyes Only' "What's this?"

Chapman laughed, "Apparently some shrink from the Psychic Cognitive Behaviour Unit got involved. His report reads that our subject displayed all the hallmark symptoms of the 'Medusa Effect'."

"Medusa! The woman of legend who could turn those who looked at her into stone!"

"Except," said Chapman. "According to the doc, she can 'will' people to kill themselves just by looking at them."

Carter let the report fall to the table. "Great! We have a morgue full of bodies, a crazy lady we can't pin anything on and you want me to believe in Ghostbusters!"

Chapman shrugged his shoulders and turned back towards the window. The young woman was now pressing her nose hard up against the glass. "There is a whole lot of crazy going on inside that head." Comment Chapman.

An armed woman police officer that was in the room looking after the suspect, left her position by the door and went over to try to bring the woman back to the chair. Up until then the woman had ignored the police officer, but now sensing there might be a threat. The woman quickly turned and locked eyes with the officer. The officer immediately froze, literally, her legs refused to move.

Chapman and Carter looked at each other, confused. "What's wrong with the officer? Carter asked.

Chapman reached for the interview room intercom. "Police Officer Harper. You OK?"

Harper looked back to mirror. There was a genuine look of concern upon face.

"Sir, I can't move! Sir, help me!"

For the first time since bringing the woman in for questioning, she lifted her head. Her complexion was grey and her eyes black as ink. Her lips were equally dark as she began to smile.

Without looking at the officer, the raised her arm, reached out her hand and pointed towards the police officer.

Now crippled with anxiety, the police officers right hand began to involuntarily move. Try as she might, the police officer couldn't prevent her hand locating her concealed weapon.

"Sir!" Screamed the officer.

The two detectives watched in disbelief has the police officer tried to fight the urge of producing her firearm.

Carter and Chapman frantically banged on the glass trying to distract both the woman and police officer The officer shook as tears were rolling down her cheeks. She had become a puppet and her puppet master was going to kill her. Slowly, the police officer placed the barrel against her temple.

The two detectives bolted out of the door, too late, as a single shot rang out.
© rebel2version