

The tracking device rebellion
A 13 year old boy and his mother are driving to the hospital so he can get a mandatory tracking device placed in his head. The government has mandated that everyone over the age of 12 must have one implanted. " But mom, I don't want a device in my head". "Now son its mandatory to get this done otherwise we have to pay a fine" she explained. " I just think its an invasion of privacy and I heard it causes cancer" the teen exclaimed. " Listen, I had to get this done when I became 13 years old and now its your turn and when you grow up and have kids they will go through the same initiation process. Besides, the tracking device keeps crime down by constantly tracking people with bad behavior or possibly bad behavior and it helps you control some of your electronic gadgets as well" she said. Oh right, but I don't like it" he said. They drove the rest of the way in silence. They arrived att hospital parking lot , parked the car and walked to the entrance still not talking to each other. After several minutes they meet Doctor Kincaid." Hey sport, what's your name" he asked the teen. "Kevin" he said weakly. " ok , Kevin " he said " the procedure is quick and painless and once we are done we can track you if you are kidnapped or something and you can also control electronics" he said. " OK, lets get this over with" kevin said. Doctor Kincaid and Kevin and a nurse went to the operating room. After an hour they were done." Alright, we're all done" Doctor Kincaid said. " Now he may have headaches and nosebleeds but he should be good in a week or two" he explained. "Thank you, Doctor" Sharon, kevin's mother, said. They left the hospital and went downtown to drop Kevin off at his best friend,silopanna, apartment. Sillopanna was waiting for him outside her apartment building. His mother drops him off then drives off promising to come back and pick him up. " So you finally had it done today" Sillopanna said. " Yeah but I wish I had'nt but my mom and Doctor forced me to. I mean I wish I had more freedom or independence and more privacy and this tracking device violates all that. Plus I heard it causes cancer and government is just using it to track and try to control people" he said. "Yeah , I have to get my implant next week. Speaking of which theres a protest in the discovery district right now, wanna go? " She asked. " Well I never been to a protest before so I don't know what to do once we get there" he said." Don't worry , lets just go. Your the one who wants more independence and privacy and the device not in your head and thats what the protest is all about" she explained. "Alright, lets go" he said. They walked ten blocks to the protest sight and when they got there they see protesters , all of them dress in all black, holding signs saying things like " tracking devices violates rights " and " dont let the government track you " . The police were trying to contain the crowd the best they could. But one of the protesters throws a Molotov cocktail at one of the policeman, the policeman barely dodging it. "Alright, let ' em have it" the police captain said . The officers started pepper spraying the crowd and started arresting some of the protesters with some of the protesters standing their ground and fighting back. "This is getting to violent , we should probably leave " Kevin said. As he said that a older teen , running from the cops , runs toward them and tells them to run toward the alleyway. Without thinking, Sillopanna and Kevin start running towards the alley. After awhile the cop stops chasing them." That was close " the older teen said. " The names mack, by the way. Like mack the knife " he explained. "Whats yours"?. After a few seconds kevin answers " my names Kevin and her name is Sillopanna. " "But people call me panna for short " she explained. " Cool, nice to meet y'all". Come , I know somewhere where we can hang out away from the police." So the new friends walk away from the protest area and the police. They walk a few blocks to an apartment building, go inside it to the top floor and enter one of the apartments. Inside the tiny apartment are protest signs on the kitchen counter, books on the floor and unwashed dishes in the sink. Dispite the clutter , the apartment appeared neat and tidy." make yourself at home " Mack said. Two teen boys come out from playing their video games from the bedroom."Oh, these are my friends , Ted and Ed". " How was the protest " Ted asked." More rowdy than usually, the cops started pepper spraying the crowd. You guys hungry, I can make hot pockets for y'all."Me and Ted will have some" said Ed. What about your new friends? Kevin and Panna look at each other then looked at mack and shooked their heads yes." Alright , I'll place five hotpockets in the microwave" Mack went to microwave the hotpockets while the others talked amongst themselves. "So how many protest have y'all two been to"? Ted asked." That one was are first" she said. "We just don't agree with the government forcing people to get tracking implants in them . Its just a complete violation of privacy." "I completely agree" Ed said. "After we eat lets go back down there and see if we can spot anyone we know who hasn't been arrested by the corrupt police department yet."he continued."Sure " Kevin said hesitantly, knowing full well the chaos that happened earlier. " Foods done and I have sodas for everyone present. They sit on the ground and start eating and drinking and Ted,Ed and Mack dip their hotpockets in a bowl of red sauce.After watching them, Kevin decides to copy them and dip his hotpocket in the red sauce . It was very spicey and didn't taste very good but he ate it anyways to gain the approval of the older teens. "So, why were you guys at the protest? Mack asked. "Kevin got his tracking implant today and I get mine next week . We 're both still young , so we have no choice in the matter" she explained. "Yeah, I believe I have no privay because they know where I go or don't go and it feels like I got no freedom" kevin said." Thats true. But do you know what real freedom is?" Mack asked. Real freedom does not mean doing whatever you want when you want with no supervision . Real freedom means being able to do whst you r supposed to do with no restrictions. Some people have to work because thats what their supposed to do . Others lie in bed all day doing nothing all day and claim to be free but they really are not. So do you want to be someone who has a job and works or someone who sleeps all day" he asked ." Someone who works " Kevin answered. "Thats good. The real reason people are protesting the government on this is because it does violate people's privacy. Another reason is because of the cancer scare" Mack said." Is everyone done eating, because I'm ready to go" Ted said. "Yeah, lets go back down to the discovery district" Mack said. They all got up, stretched and used the bathroom one by one before they left the apartment building. They started walking down the street , the 3 older boys walking more confidently and Kevin try to adapt his walk to theirs. As they walk down the street Kevin ask Mack about his protesting , realizing that he, Kevin, really wants to protest implants and just to have privacy. But during their conversation they are spotted by the police officer who chased them earlier. "Hey, you kids , stop" the cop shotted. They all started running in the other direction away from the cop and towards Ted's apartment. The cop was running behind them, starting to catch up." You guys keep running, I'll try to have him follow me in the other direction" Mack said. So he swiftly turned and started to run in the other direction but the officer grab him immediately and slammed him on the ground and started to handcuff him. "So your the who threw the Molotov cocktail earlier , try to kill a cop" the officer shouted." That wasn't me that was someone else, you have the wrong guy" Mack stated . "Save it for the judge, because you're coming with me". The ohters can only watch helplessly as their friend is arrested and taken to jail. "What should we do?" kevin asked. "Nothing we can do for him now" Ed said . "But don't worry my dad's a lawyer. We'll get him out. Meanwhile how about I walk you two home before something else bad happens " Ed said . "That's OK, I only live a few blocks from here, we can manage on our own" Panna said. " Alright , just be careful" Ed said. Kevin and Sillopanna left and started walking towards sillopanna's apartment building.. Kevin's mom was already waiting for kevin when they arrived." Come on, say good bye to your friend and get in the car so we can go home " Kevin's mom said."OK, I will" kevin responded. "So do you want to come back over tomorrow?" she asked. " Sure", I can have my mom drop me off again" said Kevin. "That sounds wondetful to me " panna said. She then leaned and gave him a hug and a kiss goodbye. " See you Tomorrow and don't be late". They said their goodbyes and Kevin got into his mom's car and went home. On the way home he couldn't stop thinking about protesting and how he now wants to protest to get this device out of his head.But has to somehow keep it secret from his mom. As soon as he gets home he plans to make his first of many protest signs, hoping Panna will join him and their new friends as well." mom is it alright if I go over to Panna 's apartment again tomorrow" he asked. "Sure, but I have to drop you off early tomorrow because I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow" she said. " Ok, that sounds fine to me" he said." Can we stop and get some burgers to eat first" he asked. "Sure, son. Then we'll go straight home" she said. She then turns on the radio to listen to the news. The newscaster starts reporting on the protest earlier and the police use of pepper spray. But then starts to talks about an incident in a police holding cell: "A 17 year old protester , who the police now identify as Davis 'Mack' Mackey, was found murder by one of his cell. Police do not know what caused the incident or why. They do know that his mom is in vegas with her boyfriend for the weekend and are trying to contact her. Police say he was protesting when he allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at police officers. Police are currently investigating his murder. Up next, sports".