

Read slowly...

There's a thing or two you may be doing to reach out to the world.

You know you are meant to keep up, because the light that should pierce through the darkness of a whole lot of people depends on what you do.

But then, sometimes, your grow weary. Throwing in the towel starts to look like the best thing to do.

You wonder if what you do is actually having any effect on the people you're trying to reach.

Are they getting your message?

Are you living out the life that's clearly inscribed in your spirit and fully developed in your head?

The external responses you get may do no good to the courage that should keep you going.

You want to faint.

But hey, you are like a lantern. A refill is always available, just when your oil is at the verge of running out.

The refill may come from a still small voice within, reminding you why you started in the first place.

It may come in form of some encouraging words from someone who finds value in what you do.

It may come when you see the positive effects of your actions in the lives of people you reach out to.

Sometimes, you may have to be that refill for yourself; encouraging yourself by yourself.

In all, when your strength and courage wanes, listen and make way for a refill of your oil, so your fire doesn't burn out.

Don't stop reaching out to the world; you may never know who's holding onto what you do to survive.

And even if it doesn't seem like you're causing any effects or changes, I assure you: you are!

Somebody somewhere needs you more than you'd ever know!

Don't shut them out by stopping what you do to reach out to the world!

© Ogbole Agala