

Heartbreak '23
A couple days before valentines, Feb '23,

Ross: How are you?

Shubu: I am ok!

Ross (sensing something is off): You can tell me what's bothering you.

*no answer*

Ross (remembers how he always gets excited when it comes to love): So only 2 days left, are you confessing to your crush?

*waits, expecting he will come up with a quirky reply. He always does*

Ross (after getting no reply for a couple of minutes): Are you here?

Shubu: Yes. Yes I am here.

Ross: Tell me what's wrong with you.

Shubu: I won't be doing it this year. No confessions. No proposals. I'll just let it all be...

Ross: Why this sudden change in plans? Weren't you working on something?

Shubu: I was. I haven't written those things in an year. Getting back wasn't easy. Still, I thought I could do it in time. But....

Ross: But what..?

Shubu: Well we can put it this way... "I got rejected in front of everyone last night".

Ross: You met your crush?

Shubu: No.

Ross: Then did you walk up to a random girl and propose her? Shubu doesn't do that.

Shubu: hehe, I didn't do that. I...

Ross: ...You..?

Shubu: I was going to the restaurant with my sister last night, when I saw her for the first time. She was standing in the entrance of an alley.
I had to goto a bakery so I told my sis I'll be back in 5 mins and as I was leaving, I saw people enjoying their meals in front of a fast-food joint and a few metres away, was her. She sat there looking at them. I knew she was hungry. I thought I'll buy something for her when I return.
Unfortunately, I didn't find a shop that will have something suitable for her. So I went back to the restaurant. But I was feeling uneasy, I was sure no one else will be bringing her food.
So as we left the restaurant, I made an excuse, went to a shop and bought 2 packets of biscuits. I walked upto her, cut open one of the packets and I gave her 4 biscuits. Everyone looked at me. She came to me, sniffed the biscuits and went back to her place and continued looking at the people eating their meals.


I felt like I was going to die. I could almost hear her say, "Do you think I have no standard? I am not going to eat these buscuits. If you can't afford a meal for me, just get going". I didn't even dare look at my surrounding. I bet people were laughing at me. I kept the packet in my pocket and walked as fast as I can. I reached home and went straight to the balcony, with teary eyes I sat, I took the leftover biscuits out and started eating them.

She was a doggy in white and black. She was beautiful.

© TheMaskedIdiot
