

magical land
once I awoke in morning to doves and sparrows sing the song as the day went on the public fralic amounts living animals. a wise man walk up and spoke of beauty.and splender. and beautiful sunrises in far off magical place. the kind man sat down and show us golden compass witch a map to this magical place filled with.fantancy and folk lore creature wondering eyes were intriged by the story and mapp and asked the wise could take there the man said it not his destney. but if we went town found shop keep er. he might bring us there so off went into town to the shop keeps store when we got to the shop we asked him showed him the map the introduced self as Cornel. and said way to old make journey like that but show glimpse of it he pulled a key and turned on the golden compass instantly we saw folklore and fantasy and magical land in a instantant he turn key said he'd this warning.it is mutch to dangerous to travel to this far land.because be trap there so understand walked back down the pepble rd were wise old man siting and handed him the golden compass and explained what shop keeper said the wise man better to see them trap yourself he told story's of his quest .as drank tea and laugh with him the man out of his hand trinkiket out and said the peace of my fair broken heart bring to hot spring so it rest with healed heart.so did as man asked and on return we wisked off to the magical land fill folklore and fancy to live forever for and entirtey we broke curse of his broken heart now the we were living every child fancy its dream come true.
© Dana t mcglynn