

1 -beginning-
It was an atmosphere of uncertainty, probability, fear and joy as Mrs. Ejike was in labour. Her husband outside the ward pacing around like a murder expecting firing squad. He was anxious.

Just less a time after, the doctor came out from the ward with a grin on his face. ‘Mr. Ejike, your wife just delivered to a bouncing baby boy’ he said amidst the mask of smile worn on his face. No sooner has the Doctor stopped speaking than he began to shout for joy. ‘can I see my wife now?’ he finally said to the busy Doctor who was getting impatient-‘she is been transferred to another ward where she can take her rest in order to regain her lost strength. You can go in, just do not overstress her’ he replied without anymore conversation and left.

Mr. Ejike, who was rushing at first, stopped at the ward’s entrance to catch his breath and walked in gently sitting between his wife and their baby. ‘what a cute little angel!’ he remarked ‘he is cute and handsome just like his father’ he concluded with a smile on his face while his wife gave a short chuckle and silence descended like a mighty mist upon the room while they both admired the baby with great joy and content. The happiness of a new parent! And most especially, the joy of a mother who had been barren for several years thereby stirring up antagonism from her in-laws who had threatened to re-marry their son to a more capable and fertile woman if she doesn’t put to bed as if she was God. ‘what do you think we should name him?’ his wife asked finally breaking the silence that had once befallen the room. ‘Well I think…’

Adanma was a very promising boy. He grew up fast. He was known for his outstanding behavior among his peers. He always had good grades. To top that all, he was respectful.

Adanma was 15 years old in sss2 when he started crushing on someone whose name was Jennet.

Jennet was a beautiful young girl with a nice curly hair and a very detailed but smooth face. On her 15th birthday, she received a lot, lot of gifts most especially from boys expecting her to like them in return. Adama also joined the train. He wrote a poem for her in a sheet of paper and wrapped a wristwatch meant for her and placed it in a box. He had prepared a gift for her but the problem his, how to approach her with the gifts. Finally he came up with a plan. He dropped the box containing the gifts inside the bag while she was out for recess and went his way before her arrival.

Not too long after he placed the gifts in her bag, jennet entered. She opened her bag and saw the box sitting confidently in her bag marked from Adanma. Her curiosity got the best of her and without much hesitation, she opened the box, saw the wristwatch and as she brought the watch out, she found a note taped to one side of the box took it and read it aloud in her mind.

'summer sun bright and cool
The sun’s lit cool as a pool
Years passed down the drain
And many more years went, adieu
Yet, flawless beauty never departed.
It’s a new year.
Enjoy our day!’
The poem did impressed her. She held the note tightly to her chest as if keeping it away from anyone who might try stealing it. She said to herself ‘this is the most wonderful gift anyone has ever given to me!’ and went in search for Adanma.

© jhaybarddaily