

Little Tim Adventures-XXXV
Everyone was stunned to see two young
boys. The young boys were horror-struck. Mr Burton exclaimed "What in the world's happening here?! What you kids are doin here?" "M....mr p...police officer, we a....a r ..re not thieves." one of the boy stammered. "Then what you all are doin here? And why these kids are tied up?" Mr Codger questioned. "W....we are s...s...iblings. W....we c...c..ome t...t..o p...p...lay here e...every a...fternoon. P...please ...t..rust u..s p...police officer. W..we aren't l...lying."
Mr Burton then questioned one of the girl "Is this true? Are you all siblings? What's your name?" "It is all true sir. They are my brothers and my name is Luna Grace." The girl told. "Holy crap! You were the 10-year old who went missing. How come!" Mr Burton exclaimed. "No sir, I was lost when I first moved here with my family. But in the evening we all came back. We asked for the neighbours to help and they created rumours. Sir, my brothers aren't theives neither the rumors are true. And we planned to play a game based on this plot." The girl told.
"Okay I think that's it! You kids can go back home." Said Mr Burton. Lucas and Tim was shocked. Mr Burton said "Now I must talk to your boys parents." Tim was terror-struck. He thought Oh No! What have I done! I would be in big trouble. He said "No sir I can explain."
"Oh yes! You boys can explain everything infront of your parents. Now get in the car." Mr Burton snapped. Lucas was frustrated. He started shouting "This was all your crazy idea! I wouldn't have been into so much trouble if I'd had listened to you. You stole the keys! You forced me! Now here we are gonna get grounded the entire summer! Ughhh! Damn!" Tim couldn't speak anything. They police officers left the Mill house towards Mr and Mrs Willows Vincent house.

To Be Continued....
What's gonna happen?
How would be Mr and Mrs Willows Vincent react?

#mystery #adventure @stasy
© Stasla