

Tales of Destiny: Colored Lens
"I See Trees of Green, Red Roses too ... the Colors of the Rainbow, and Skies of Blue ... and I Think to myself, what a Wonderful World!"
Louis Armstrong


A WRITCO Compilation




In every Life we Encounter those Things Unbelievable others call Miracles: A Blind Man Driving a Dying Child to a Hospital, A Deaf Woman Speaking to a Rousing Crowd, A Paraplegic Running a Marathon. We don't always Understand, but accept what we see with our Eyes. You and I, let us take a Moment to Experience some of these Fantastical Memories. Face to Face, Place to Place, let us Open a Book in the Grand Library of Human History.


In this Tale, we will Follow a Young African Girl who has been Blind since Birth. But the Incredible Thing is, she can See Colors.

Unfortunately, that is All, she Sees.


I have Lived with Blindness my Entire Life. I do not know any other Way of Life, so I have no Regrets. I however did not realize that the Blindness I thought bore Nothingness was actually the most Beautiful Thing most People do not even see in their Normal Seeing Sight.

I See Colors Everywhere.

Now how can I be Blind, but See Colors you ask? Well the best way to describe it would be to Imagine Throwing a bunch of Paint onto a long Wall that extends all around you. No Shape or Size going all the way up and down. And they Mix and Match into all sorts of Converging Combinations.

I do not see Black, nor White. So, there is no Gray Area .

Truthfully though, it were not always this way. When I was very Young, Someone tossed me and I felt something cold and wet between my Legs. I Never knew what it was, but it was a Strange Curious Sensation that I had never felt before, nor do I want to Again. From that Day forward, though, I was Blessed with at least that.

Then one Day, my Life was Shattered.


I heard a Bone Chilling Scream from Somewhere. I kept Calling, over and over again. "Hello, what is Wrong?"


No one Answered.

So I began feeling around. Mind you, I could still See Colors, but for the very First Time, they Seemed a Little Darker. You know, like going from Yellow 💛 to Brown 🤎.

Someone was trying to Grab me.

I too Screamed "Help, Help me! Someone's after me!!"

I got no Response, so I just ran and ran. I Heard many many People Calling after me, but No one seemed to come to my Aid.

Then I Stopped.


Someone Clobbered me on Top of my Head. I could actually Feel the Blood oozing from my Scalp as I Laid. I felt all around me and there was Nothing, or rather, Nobody.

I couldn't understand it. What Grabbed and Chased me.

I Heard some Garbled Speech, but Nothing Clear. And the Colors Started to Bleed together into One Huge Mess, and I Completely Lost it then.

I screamed BLOODY MURDER because Colors was all I ever had.

And now, they were Fading

First Completely White 🤍
Then Gray
Then, Finally, it went Dark 🌑

I Cried.

As I got my Bearings, I tried to Feel my way back into the House 🏡.
It took a While, but finally I found the Door and Turned my Key.

It was Deathly Quiet.

Surprised, because my Mom or at least a Sibling was here because of my Disability.

Then something Really Strange happened.

My Eyes, they Started to Clear.

I mean, Something New and Different like I'd Never seen before.

I think, I Think, It was a Person, Right? A Lady maybe? She was on the Floor with someone on Top of her with their Hand over her Mouth. Curious, I have Never seen anything like this before.

By now I could barely move anymore, dropping to the Floor. I looked at my Hands, they were all Red.


I Never knew that this was what Red was for!

I let out a Bloodcurdling Scream, and the Top Person let the Woman on the Bottom go, running away.

"Jennifer, Jennifer are you alright?" The Woman asked.

I then Realized, for the First Time, I was Seeing my Mother. "Yes Mom I am Fine."

She put her Arms around me and exhaled, "oh Sweetie, Thank God!" Mom Cried. "You just Saved my Life!"

I Wrapped my Arms around her Waist and Answered back, "Mommy," I Started. "Mommy, I can See!"

Then I Blacked Out.


Wow, a lot going on in that Story. In some places, I don't know where to make Heads or Tails. Was she Blind, was she Not Blind. What was she seeing, Colors?

Or was it something else, Ethereal Perhaps?

And who Grabbed and Chased her, or was it all in her Mind?

Why did she Run then, and how did a Blind girl Find her way back Home, on her own?

Who was the Guy on top of the Woman Revealed to be her mom, and why was he there?

What was he doing, and why was he Scared?

I have Read a Number of these Tales by Now; and in All, this was the One that Boggled me the most.

Even at the End, when she Claimed she saw her Mom, for the very First Time.

How? And, is she Still Alive?

I Guess I'll Never REALLY know myself, so you can Draw on your own Conclusions.

I won't spite you for it.

Until next Time.

A Squadron of US Soldiers are performing Morning Firing Drills; when all the sudden, the Sound Barrier is Broken in the Sky above them. The Bullets Stop in Mid-Air, and the Object they All Witness above them, Freezes them where they Stand.

That's all for Tonight, thank you for Joining.

So keep your Face on, and your Wrists Screwed on Tight, Tomorrow Night, Prepare ... for a Fright!

Bye Bye

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© I Am MichAel