

A Story of Friendship
She is a girl which is closest to being what you guys call “best friend”. Let’s call her Sushi. We both were in the same standard, different sections, same school. I joined our school from class 5th onwards, and though I had a vague idea of existence of someone in the other section by this name, we never really had enough interaction to be even named acquaintances. Our friendship started in the last few months of 12th standard to be specific, I tell you it was in December 2017.

I was an IIT aspirant, yeah you read it right “IIT”, that fucking building which is dream of a fucktone of science students who have a way with studies. Since the very beginning, IIT was always there in my dreams, and out of my capacity.
I started preparing for its entrance exam from class 11th by getting myself enrolled in a reputed coaching institute in my city. In school, I convinced my teachers to deal with my attendance for the entire session, in return of excellent marks that I’d fetch in every school exam.
For 2 years, I worked my ass out but still was not be able to solve the IIT-level-questions in first few attempts. I got frustrated. A lot indeed. I slipped into depression, I didn’t even bother to flip the NCERT pages now even when board exams were inching close day by day.
I would stay at home all day, half of my board’s syllabus was uncovered and it was December already - roughly speaking, less than 3 months to go. And I was running at a snail-like pace. I was both tired and bored. In 2 years, I had limited my social life to an extent that at this point of time I was all alone.
One day, I saw her online on facebook and casually sent a “Hi”. It was there where our talks started. She’s too friendly, and I love it. In less than a week our conversations increased to an extent that now we were talking the entire day.
She’d talk about everything and everyone. She made me feel special, she called me her best friend. I lifted my spirits and resumed my board’s preparation. All day I would do nothing except studying and texting her.
She suggested me to attend the farewell. Let me tell you, I was a nerd. I didn’t have friends to enjoy my farewell with. I bought coat-pant of the colour that exactly matched with the saree she wore on that day. I clicked few pictures with her those are the ONLY farewell pictures I have.
We both appeared for our respective board exams. I Scored 95 each in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Painting (what a co-incidence! ) and 84 in English. I cleared both JEE Main and Advanced with what we call kafi average performance. She too passed out with a decent result.
IIT was my dream, so I took a year drop. She took admission in a college in Delhi. After June 2018, we both busied ourselves in our own lives. We didn’t talk much now. She tried to be in contact with me, she sent some messages which I would reply late and thay too in a casual manner.
There was a burning desire inside me, I locked myself in the room and studied hard. I had completed my JEE advanced syllabus already and it took me no more than 2 months to cover the leftover topics. However, my problem solving skills were still not up to the mark.I devised new methods to study and prepare myself. Every day I’d get up try questions won’t be able to solve many of them, felt like a defeated warrior and would go to sleep. This continued for next 6 months.
My childhood dreams were shattered, I felt all hollow from inside, I had countless thoughts running across my mind all day , I found myself hopeless. I would wait for my parents to sleep so that I could lock myself in the washroom only to cry. I slipped into depression again.
Even for Sushi all these months were horrible, the reason being that she was having troubles with her 5-year long relationship. Almost everyday she’d have ugly fights with her boyfriend who’d not let any stones unturned in letting her down. She too was suffering from depression.
This time it was her to send a text on facebook - “Hello, kaisa hai? kya kr rha hai? yaar kaha hai tu, kyu na krta baat mujhse. I miss you.”. I replied by telling her that I’m bit disturbed with this exam mess. We both shared the problems we were facing since last several months. We reached a mutual decision that we need to continue our all-day-long chatter again as it seemed to be the only thing that could bring our lives back on track!
A blast of memes ( she’s fucking crazy about memes) , youtube video links, her crazy pictures stormed my inbox from the very next day. I picked up the same old routine - study, talk to sushi, repeat.
This time we really talked a lot, like a lot. We discussed everything that happened in the months when we were not in contact. Again, I started feeling that there is somebody to listen me - I could speak whatever I was going through, I could cry. Trust me I’ve almost cried a few times before her, and she? Uska toh lagbhag roz ka tha! :P . I too listened to all the things she said, I never judged and I don’t think she too ever did. All day we would send voice notes describing real time life events -” Ab main auto p chadh gyi, college jaa rhi hu… Ab main utar gyi college m hu. Ab tu bhi jaa padh chutti time baat krnge!”
We kept 21 days challenges to deal with the mess in our respective lives, but we never followed them sincerely. We did crazy shit over the voice notes. She uttered one typical syllable -“lalalalala” in a unique manner and I tried to imitate her. She made me talk on a conference call once or twice with her best friend who was a girl I barely knew and the conversation had more awkward silences than actual communications!
I studied 6–7 hours a day. I didn’t think much now, I was ready to accept whatever result I’d get. That girl was lively as fuck and a part of her energy filled inside me in a way that I started playing football in the evening hours to rejuvenate my brain after studies. She too became more strong in dealing with her emotions.
I gave JEE advanced and fetched a decent rank, much better than the last time but still insufficient to fetch me a seat in my preferred branch in the IIT. I hardly care now. I am happy.
I recently met her in person at a cafe and got lovely pictures clicked. I prefer not to put them here, they are my personal possessions and I don’t want to share them! <3 She too is doing good. She recently got me install snapchat on my phone because her parents check whatsapp these days! As far as her boyfriend is concerned, he keeps making timely visits in her life, promises to make things better but then just disappears. I don’t care as long as he doesn’t make her cry. When she cries, I lose my mind and abuse him as this is all I can do, he’s a tree, I’m a tiny little plant- can’t really smack him down! She’s still crazy about memes and sends a lot in my inbox. Not just this, these days she’s even started making memes to mock me. I reply her with memes that I make using my sheer intelligence.

My IIT entrance preparation didn’t give me IIT but definitely gave me a friend that I’m going to cherish for years to come.
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