

16th November
It was a winter afternoon. I was idling around the facade of my house when I first saw him. He was helping a middle aged man moving with the furnitures from the truck. At first, I thought him as a worker, but soon I realised that he wasn't the one when the man called.
"Rij, go and park the car in my garage. Leave the furnitures there, I'll manage them."
"But, Dad, they're too heavy. You can't move them alone."
" You go. I'll handle myself."
I was looking at them, "So they're our new neighbours! The boy looks pretty strong, but his father, very pale!"
"No! Wait for me. We'll do it together." He turned and our eyes met. He gave me a horrible look with strong hatred and left with the truck. I was shocked to see that.
He was wearing a blue T-shirt with black jeans. He looked quite manly in that. That time I had nothing to do. So, I decided to help them with their stuffs.
Before, I could ask, I saw the man tried to shift the sofa and got injured. I rushed to him. He got a bruise in his hand. I took him inside his house and asked him to water his hand. I went to my house to take the first-aid kit. I applied the Arnica gel and asked him to rest.
He said, "Thank you for your care. But, I've lot to do. I can't rest."
I calmed him, "Then, you should've waited for your son. You got badly injured.
He smiled weakly, "He is too exhausted after driving the whole night. I don't want him to work more."
"Wait for a moment, then."
I went outside and called my friends to come and help me. After moving the furnitures, the man thanked them before they left.
Before leaving, I said, "Mister, take care. Apply the medicine again after an hour."
He chuckled, "My name is Rishi Basu. You can call me Rishi uncle. Mister is too formal."
I agreed. "My name is Liral Roy. The house beside is mine. If you need any help, then call me anytime. Okay?!"
He nodded.
I waved bye and headed towards my home. I opened the door and saw Rij. His eyes popped out seeing me and then pushed aside. He came inside swiftly and called for his dad. I was startled for a second or two. What the hell was going on?
His father came out from his room and asked, "What happened? Why are you barking?"
"Dad, what is he doing here?"
"Oh! He has–"
"I don't like him! He was eavesdropping us. Don't let him in again."
"Rij, Behave!"
I was too shocked to speak. They took me as a boy. I wanted to correct them, but I left the place hurriedly. Then, I got it why he gave me that aggressive look before. I promised not to meddle in their affairs again. Or else, they would get me wrong.
But, at night, when I came down from my room in upstairs for supper, I found them sitting on our dinning table. Rij was sitting right opposite to my chair. I smiled at Uncle and ignored Rij.
My brother came hoping from the kitchen and whispered, "Sis, we've guests. Mom asked you to help her. Go! Go!"
I headed towards the kitchen, "Got it, Froggy!"
I helped my Mom carrying the dishes. Then, we ate together. We chatted a lot, except Rij. What a thing he was! Either cold hearted! Or his brain was damaged! While chatting, we got to know that, Rij and I were of same age. Rij's Mom died when he was 7. We also got to know, that they got many death threats for Uncle's previous work, so they moved here. Uncle used to work as a cop. Rij requested him all the time to change his profession. He used to denied, but he changed his job quickly when he got a threat about Rik's life. We're all stunned for a minute to hear that. Later, during the conversations, the father and son got to know that I am a girl. They were shocked and also embarrassed.
Uncle exclaimed, " Oh! We mistook you as a boy, Liral."
I smiled.
My Bro stated, "Not only You. Everyone mistakes her as a boy for her dressing sense."
Uncle said, "No! No! Not for her dress. She carried such heavy stuffs in the noon, that's why."
My parent, together asked, "When?"
Uncle told them everything. I saw my parent's faces shined with pride.
Bro told them, "Of course, she can! She is black belt in karate. And now practising boxing. My sis is the best!" He concluded with a thumb up.
After our dinner, I walked them out. Uncle waved me bye and gave a look to Rij, 'Say it.'
I looked at them with large eyes, trying to get 'What was going on?'
Uncle left after patting Rij on his shoulders.
I turned towards Rij, "Well... Sorry for today. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just idling around. I swear–"
He broke, "Actually, I want to say sorry for today," rubbing his head.
I was surprised, "Ah! Oh! Yeah! It's okay! It's just–"
"Um... Actually, I was just anxious, that's why, I didn't thought much and said that. I hope you won't mind that. Sorry!"
"It's okay! I didn't mind it. Let the bygones be bygones, okay?"
He nodded.
I stretched my hand, "Friends?"
He took it, "Why not?"
"Tomorrow, I'll introduce you to our Youth club and also to my school friends. Okay?"
"Yeah! No problem. But, can I ask you a favour?"
"Yupp! Go ahead."
"Your brother said that you're black belt in karate. Can you teach me that?"
"No problem. A piece of cake."
"Mention not."
So, that's how our friendship started. It was a Sunday, 16th november 2008 when we first met. Ten years later, we got married on the same date. It was really the luckiest day of my life.