

Who's she? (part 13)
Oliver Put his arm around Prince's shoulders with the smile in the knife by closing in his fist tightly.

Prince said, "I have to leave as I comes at your house maybe mistakenly (by looking at the chain)" (smiles)

Oliver looks at him, "You mean someone important I don't mind... You... You can go...."

Prince with smile put his hand around the neck of Oliver, "Not more important than your own food."

Oliver takes him and said sit here, "Going to ready in a second..." (by snapping)

Oliver goes in the kitchen by looking out at Prince from inside.

The voice of beaten door starts to come from upstairs. Prince stands up to looks upstairs.

Oliver by peeping outside looks at Prince. Prince smiles slightly by asking with confusion, "Someone upside?"

Oliver smiles, "Yes... Workers making new room..."

Prince smiles then sits down by starts to look at Everywhere....

Prince asked, "Do you also lives here? Where's mom? (Seems stilled) I mean..."

Oliver by coming out with a ready plate smiles, "Mom is fine we soon come here... I make my mom proud..." (by looking straight in the eyes of Prince)
"Lucky right? Sometimes problem was too much I thought left everyone (smiles by looking at him) I feels but never see where I am? Now sooner mom also proud of myself. Not every mom gets a son who makes him to feel proud."

Prince looks emotionally to him...

Prince starts to cough while almost going to red with eyes filled with tears seems by face.. 

Oliver: I bring water for you....

Prince is weeping there removes his tears takes the plate while starts to eating.

He looks at the spoon by saying, "My brother makes for me... I love you Oliver, Mom and Ethan.... Don't run this time from my problems.... If the King makes me as his son accept me like this why you all not?" (Smiles)

Oliver takes water by saying takes it, "Drink it..."

Prince starts to cough more.... Oliver smiles said excitedly, "Have you eat it?"

Prince coughs badly while going to faint... Oliver asked, "Are you fine?"

Prince said, "I don't know what's going to happen with me?" He lays at the floor.

Oliver smiles by opening his hand, "Magic works..."

Shadow man comes around him... Prince looks at them when faints down by saying, "Oliver I love you... My brother..." His eyes closes.

Oliver sits aside his body (laughs), "Charlie or Prince Charming you love or not but I hate you... now I am happy too much... This time It's work. My destiny works for me..."

Oliver stands up by saying, "Take Ms. Hood down... See everyone I have done it... I done it... I said to Mom I am not loser... I also done everything what I want.." (smiles)

Prince from his back stands up by putting cloth at the face of Shadow man....
He put a vase at his head...

Shadow man tries to run but faints there...

Oliver is in his happiness didn't notices what's going at his back said, "I love you god.... Go and show that Ms. Hood... (shouted) I killed prince. Tell everyone my power now I said them I am the real brother of prince so then after him I got money and what about King he's bed rest, a fellow man of two to three days I convinced him too if not so you know my style..."

Prince is looking with his emotional eyes thinking, "Oliver you..."

Ms. Hood is beating the door by listening, "What you had done with him?"

Oliver with smiles said aloud, "Patience ended... What everyone said patience bears a good fruit now in end a dead body of Prince with his all the wealth. Thankyou Ms. Hood to save him at that time... The Super pack comes today I don't know at that time... Go shadow man brings her show her who I am? And what I can do?...." (smiles)

Prince looks at him by standing at his back.

© NabiaSajid