

Every teenager in this world face thousands and thousands of problem, but the only thing is that they meet it in a different way. It's really a hard periods in everyone's life where many find difficulties in getting rid of thoughts and negativity. People in this stage become burden of their thoughts despite the changes that taking places in puberty. They find it difficult to adjust with the real world where and quite unhappy with the changes that takes place in them.

Due to the changes both physically and mentally, people used to do so many mischievous things which, it should not be done. Add to this, parents are quite upset by the behaviour or the characters that had been taken place in their children.

Howbeit, as per my concern and experience. Although teenager have the stress and especially the infatuation which is the most common things, every teenager must prefer to live a happy environment where they could live a life of their own . From families,it's very necessary to give them a full freedom where they could experience and learn from their mistakes. A family members should not stop them from doing the wrong things because this will bring more intense on them and the things will get worse.
Rather than, a family might provide them with love and support in every situation. When a teenager is free from influencing from families, they can able to create their own potential. Most importantly, a teenager may have a good sense of becoming an adult by their bad experiences and in the same way it is the best way for them to learn from their own mistakes.

This is my attribution to all the teenagers, who are facing problems in handling the situations.It's really hard to get rid from doing the bad things in this stage and get rid of their thoughts, instead thoughts might be controlled in way that it should not cross the limit.And after experiencing, it is very necessary to learn from our wrong doings rather than regrets it and keep on moving forward.

A teens stage is the stage where people have a desire to do many things whether it is about enjoyment, about career, about doing mischievous things, about infatuation...

Therefore....enjoy a life in this stage, not only focussing on careers but should get to know cause only in this stage, a person will get to learn and experience a new things in his life.

© Daisypha