

The Future is not preconceived but change very frequently.
Is the future preconceived or does it change very frequently? Answer the question by writing a story.

For me, future is not preconceived but it does change very frequently. Future is unpredictable but determined by our vision and passion towards it. You see, hard work , patience and perseverance is what changes the Future, through them all you'll see that the Future is unpredictable.

For example, I've five million in my bank account, a house and business then tomorrow, People see what i have and wish to have the same life as mine. But it is possible that I might loose everything I own, so the Future is not preconceived but unpredictable as we all don't know what might happen tomorrow.

God gave us knowledge, not knowledge of heaven but he gave us knowledge to know or predict things that exists in the world. It is painful to say but he denied us the knowledge of knowing the Future. So we just have to walk through tough times, trying to create better future for ourselves.

To conclude.

The future does not exist but we are the Future, the world is the Future. We die but the world remain for the coming generation.

© Papa munju