

Obsessed: part 7
Decodah William's pov.

I had a secret crush on Chloe since we were kids.

She brought energy and fun with adventure where ever she went.

She didn't follow any fashion trend.

No, fashion trends followed her some how.

She was smart with perfect memory so I didn't know why she needed my help.

You don't understand, no one had been good enough for the principal's Chloe Baker.

She was right to set high standards with looks like that.

I froze looking at the flowers after reading the letter.

Why didn't she tell me she like me?

Why bully me with Anna this morning?

I was there and would of done anything for her.

Maybe she is trying to get back at Ashley for the cafeteria embarrassment.

I wish I wasn't so moved about these flowers and this letter.

My heart is singing but also crying, people don't change over night.

I'll thank Chloe for the flowers and sit next to Ashley.

That exactly what I did. Ashley looked stiff.

"Do you like Chloe? I'm trying to understand this situation."

Asked Ashley not impressed that I thanked Chloe before sitting down.

The lecturer walked in before I could respond and I took out the notes.

"Even if I did like her, she is a school bully. what use is being pretty if one is rotten inside?"

I asked with resolute. I would never date a villain any way.

Ashley smiled and turned her chair to look somewhere smirking.

I was busy writing notes and in my own world till a pencil snapped from behind us.

Our classroom is a serious environment, it was quiet and we whispered if we spoke.

but a sharp laugh erupted and everyone looked back and it was Anna.

She was dying of a joke that only seem to be for her.

Chloe looked livid and angry with her angry changing the temperature in the classroom.

"Anna step out of my class!
do you think this is at the club that you kids be attending?
Your father will hear of this foolishness!
In the mean time, make it quick and leave."

Said Prof. Hudson. He really didn't play around.

Anna silently took her bag with a smile gracing her lips,
making her way through.

Dropping a letter on my desk before leaving.

I just gave it to Ashley incase it carried insults and she read it softly than crunched it in her hands.

It read:

Meet me at the school garden at break alone.
I want to personally apologize for my behavior.

(End of letter)

I waiting for Ashley to say something but she looked ahead with a scary expression.

It was scarier than the one she had before she emptied the drinks on Chloe and Anna's head.

Maybe it was a thinking face but the way her body shifted looked like She was about to do something.

Than it was gone like the wind like it was never there.

"Can you go shopping with me at break? there is a watch I want to buy,
I will understand if you don't want to."

Said Ashley with a poker face.

"I would love to if we could eat first and return before our next class starts."

I said honestly. how lucky am I to dodge Anna's mind games.

She was supposed to join the elite students because her mother was a know C.E.O and of royal status.

But she claimed she didn't want to kiss Ashley's feet.

Ashley looked alot better when I said yes.

She now radiated happiness and it was impossible not to smile with her.

I even forgot where I was for a second and almost reached out to hold her hand.

Chloe got up leaving and the bell rang when she was out the door.

Her body language was of a soldier going to war.

I bet Anna said something to make her angry.

© Icepeach25