

Helen life(series 2)
continued from series 1
"come back here" that's was the only Helen heard, fear gripped her mind ,it was Mrs Bridget ,so "you decided to escape my whip today, come here"Mrs Bridget said with a cunning smile 'bend down" she said Mrs Bridget hate children who come Late and disobey school rules. Helen will have to stay back for one hour before going home. Mrs Bridget gave her ten whips ,that day Helen stayed back for one hour before going home.

after three years Helen quit school, because, to her it was frustrating,"Helen!!!!!!! where are you pls come I need you to go to ma silik to collect my balance for the fish she bought, that was Helen's mother.Helen ran all the way to ma silik ,and came back all this continued till Helen became sixteen. Then she ran away from home because of life in the neighborhood ,When she got to the city ,she met a friend of hers and decided to stay with her ,when her friend introduced to to her home Helen was very happy, Then that evening ,her friend told her something that shocked her.WHAT DO YOU THINK Helen friend said watch out for series 3.

© Gloforchrist